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No Disk Space Left


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I have Polisy, on v5.0.4, has been running for 3 days or so. Have 8 poly nodes onboard and am feeding nodelink to the onboard ISY from rpi4.

I went to open Poly and it wouldn't open.  I ssh'ed in to reboot polisy and got this message:


[admin@polisy ~]$ sudo shutdown now
sudo: unable to write to /var/run/sudo/ts/admin: No space left on device

So then ran df -h to check disk space and reported this:

[admin@polisy ~]$ df -h
Filesystem           Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
zudi/ROOT/default     25G     25G      0B   100%    /
devfs                1.0K    1.0K      0B   100%    /dev
procfs               4.0K    4.0K      0B   100%    /proc
zudi                  24K     24K      0B   100%    /zudi
zudi/var/empty        24K     24K      0B   100%    /var/empty
zudi/tmp              27K     27K      0B   100%    /tmp
zudi/usr/home         34K     34K      0B   100%    /usr/home
zudi/var/polyglot     20M     20M      0B   100%    /var/polyglot
zudi/var/log         249K    249K      0B   100%    /var/log
zudi/var/db           30M     30M      0B   100%    /var/db
zudi/var/run          43K     43K      0B   100%    /var/run
zudi/var/crash        24K     24K      0B   100%    /var/crash
zudi/var/tmp          24K     24K      0B   100%    /var/tmp
zudi/var/db/pkg      9.3M    9.3M      0B   100%    /var/db/pkg
[admin@polisy ~]$

After reboot the ssh screen greeting is much different and this is the df -l report

Using username "admin".
Keyboard-interactive authentication prompts from server:
| Password for admin@polisy:
End of keyboard-interactive prompts from server
[admin@polisy ~]$ df -l
Filesystem        1K-blocks     Used Avail Capacity  Mounted on
zudi/ROOT/default  26064973 26064973     0   100%    /
devfs                     1        1     0   100%    /dev
procfs                    4        4     0   100%    /proc
zudi/tmp                 26       26     0   100%    /tmp
tmpfs                 32768      348 32420     1%    /var
zudi/usr/home            34       34     0   100%    /usr/home
tmpfs                 32768      348 32420     1%    /var
tmpfs                 32768      348 32420     1%    /var
zudi                     24       24     0   100%    /zudi
tmpfs                 32768      348 32420     1%    /var
tmpfs                 32768      348 32420     1%    /var
tmpfs                 32768      348 32420     1%    /var
zudi/tmp                 26       26     0   100%    /tmp
zudi/var/polyglot     20521    20521     0   100%    /var/polyglot
tmpfs                 32768      348 32420     1%    /var
tmpfs                 32768      348 32420     1%    /var
[admin@polisy ~]$

I cannot still gain access to Poly and now I cannot access ISY thru the launcher either.

Any thoughts on how I should proceed?





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