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KPL and REST Question


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Using the rest interface, if I go to:


(legit IP is in place of IP OF MY ISY)


http://IP OF MY ISY/rest/nodes


It shows the addresses of KeyPadLincs as


(legit data/address is in place of X.X.X)








I get it that .1 is the ON/OFF on the 6 button (i.e. the load). I can't seem to do anything with the other addresses. I would expect the LED to light up if I try to use the REST interface to turn the switch on. I know not to expect any devices to turn on. When I hit the link:


(legit IP is in place of IP OF MY ISY)

(legit data/address is in place of XX XX XX)


http://IP OF MY ISY/rest/nodes/XX XX XX 1/cmd/DON


I get an expected response. If I replace the 1 with 3, 4, 5, or 6 I get the following message back:




Is this expected behavior? Please enlighten me. Everything else in the app I have written that uses REST works fine except the 4 small buttons on the KeyPadLincs.


Thanks in advance!


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Thank you for the quick reply. I'm parsing the XML document returned by /rest/nodes to build a list of devices and scenes that my app can control. Do you know of a reliable way I could detect secondary buttons and filter them out of my list? is searching for .3 and higher a good way to do it or is there something better?




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Hi David,


Please send an email to support@universal-devices.com to get the latest device configuration file. What you need to do is to first figure out which device is a KPL. Then, by looking at the address of the device, all those ending with numbers above 1 are sub buttons.


With kind regards,



Thank you for the quick reply. I'm parsing the XML document returned by /rest/nodes to build a list of devices and scenes that my app can control. Do you know of a reliable way I could detect secondary buttons and filter them out of my list?




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