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Need some help with Vacation/Away mode


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Hi all,

I think understand the basic concept of a Vacation/Away Mode, but could use some help establishing the best way to use it.


Objective is for certain additional security lights to come on at sunset when we're away and turn off early am as well as to turn off some other lights like bedroom lamps that we normally turn off ourselves when we go to bed when we're home.


Could you guys give me some examples of how you use the Vacation/Away folder and if its possible to manually "activate" this mode/programs in that folder to not have to rely only on a kpd button status. I'm concerned that if we're away for some days and the power should go out, I presume this kpd button will just reset itself to off. Maybe I'm wrong tho.


Thanks for the help.

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You could use dates in the folder conditions:


Folder Conditions for 'December Weekends'
Add conditions to limit when programs in this folder are allowed to run.

       From    12:00:00PM on 2009/12/04
       To      12:00:00PM on 2009/12/06
    Or From    12:00:00PM on 2009/12/11
       To      12:00:00PM on 2009/12/13

  Allow the programs in this folder to run.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm using the ISY-99 with the CES display. and would like to have a home and away button on the display to enable the relevant program.


The only way I see to do this is to set 2 scenes, one for at home, one for away, (which appear on the display) and have these linked to 2 discreet I/O addreses (since there seems to be no provision to set a program based on a sceen selection alone, I have to tie to the I/o address to test the condition). When I select the "home" scene, the associated i/o output changes state, and I can use this as a condition to run the relevant home / away program.


This seems convoluted - Is there a better way to control the home or away program from the touchscreen?

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Hi helipal,


Although it seems convoluted but it's simple and it works. The best method would be for IES to actually implement programs into the touchscreen.


With kind regards,


In August of 2009, I emailed Harold Brooks at IES about supporting Programs. He said they did not have plans at that time, but may incorporate this feature in the future. I would buy one or more if it had this feature. :( Michel, do you have any sway with IES?


Thanks so much,


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  • 1 month later...

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