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Email Authentication


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Is anyone else having issues with getting the ISY to send you email notifications?  A year or so ago when there was an issue I setup a gmail accound and got everything working.  Now it does not work again and either says Mail Server Failure (when using the 465 port with TLS turned off), or Mail Server Failure password not accepted (when using 587 port) Password is correct as I can log into gmail with it.  I have tried changing the password as well.


@dinostop In addition to letting us know what Firmware and UI you're using check if you have two factor authentication or Gmail 2-Step Verification turned on. You would need to have an app specific password assigned by Google. 

I have used Google since day 1 and not had any issues. Mine is a ISY dedicated account with 2 step verification turned on for added security even though it's just a "trash" account.

If you're sending a bunch of notifications it could be that all the sent mail is stacking up in the sent mail. I added a filter to send alerts to the trash label/folder so it wouldn't stack up in storage in that account. Gmail tends to keep all the sent emails forever, but wipes out the deleted as time goes on.

Even though it worked at one point make sure you're following the steps in the wiki to setup gmail service.



@dinostop I've noted from other threads that you also have Polisy/Polyglot.  A much more reliable notification platform is the notification nodeserver which sends Pushover notifications.   (Pushover has a one time charge for the app, with 30 day trial period.) 

There are a couple problems with email in general... the three biggest are

  1. your message can suddenly and unknowingly stop being delivered due to spam traps, sent mail counts etc.
  2. email can be delayed hours or days without notice or explaination
  3. the ISY only tries once to send an email, if it fails or times out waiting for the smtp server it doesn't retry.

In general the Notification nodeserver is a better solution, but there might be a slight learning curve, an depending on how many different notifications you have it might take time to get things converted over.   Earlier this summer the Norification nodeserver was updated to that it retries if a send fails, since that update I've completely abandoned email notifications.

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