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Do I need a Polisy (or Raspberry Pi with Polisy on it?)


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I've been using ISY now successfully for many years. And recently I was able to get a couple of node-servers up and running on it (DarkSky, Ecobee). However, I have a few questions:

  1. I'm confused as to what an extra Polisy device would be used for? I mean I was using two node servers and an ISY without one.
  2. I do have a raspberry pi that I could consider installing it on but for some reason I'm having a hell of a time trying to find instructions on how to do so. Maybe it's right in front of me, but I'm not seeing it.
  3. As I mentioned that I had both DarkSky and Ecobee successfully running once. BUT now neither are working for me. I was just trying to do some updates after setting them up about a year ago. For whatever reason I ended up uninstalling and tryin to reinstall both. I don't care about DarkSky but I do care about Ecobee. I'm never getting the PIN that it says I should be getting. I can post or look in another forum for that I suppose.
  4. Based on my problems above, I'm having trouble understanding just how to diagnose the problem and fix it. Would my life be simpler if I just got a Polisy (either new device, or raspberry pi?)

Any answers to the above questions or pointers to existing docs on this would be greatly appreciated. In the meantime, I'll keep digging through.



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Quick, and maybe simple answer: Neither are "required" (currently) to run node servers. On ISY 5.x you can run node servers from Polyglot Cloud (https://polyglot.isy.io/). This seems to be what you've been doing... 

43 minutes ago, greazer said:

I mean I was using two node servers and an ISY without one.

You appear to be running Nodeservers on the "cloud" (Polyglot Cloud). You can continue to do that without Polisy or rPI units, but the future path might alter (pure speculation) that would make them not work for your situation or not get updated.

Polyglot 3 is in development and will replace current local usage of nodeservers. If what I've seen talked about elsewhere (and don't have all the links currently)

Once Polyglot 3 is out it would be wise to have the Polisy to support those efforts. Otherwise, I see that Polyglot 2 would still be supported on the pi, but again, not certain all developers would update the existing nodeservers. 


46 minutes ago, greazer said:

I don't care about DarkSky but I do care about Ecobee. I'm never getting the PIN that it says I should be getting. I can post or look in another forum for that I suppose.

Have you read all the setup steps on the cloud version? https://github.com/Einstein42/udi-ecobee-poly#readme

It appears in a recent update a PIN is no longer required:


2.2.0: JimBo 12/22/2020

  • Change Authorization to use use new Ecobee UDI Authorization, see IMPORTANT message above!
    • PGC now uses OAuth so no PIN required


Perhaps @Jimbo can chime in with additional steps to troubleshoot, but make sure you're going through the current setup process. I'd say when in doubt it might be best to remove and re-install the node server on the cloud settings. Careful though because I've also seen suggestions to reinstall it in the same slot that it was originally in.

Hope that helps some. Please post back any other questions or steps you have taken to try to resolve so others can help.


Of course, it's always good to share what Firmware (and UI) you're running to be sure you get the best assistance for your situation. (From ISY Admin Console menu -> Help -> About)


Oh, and I know you said you didn't care about Darksky, but here's the information on that too in case you want to take steps to try to fix/repair that install:  (Note: Darksky was purchased by Apple. Not sure if this still runs or is open for new updates. I've never run this one, but know that the Apple deal did impact something related to Darksky. I use Climacell and NOAA weather nodeservers.)




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Just up front, I am always amazed at how thorough and helpful the users are on this forum. I've never experienced one this good. Thank you soo much!

Also, @geddy, thank you for the details. It really really helps. 

@jimbo, First good name (It's my first name too). Second, you have helped me in the other thread. For anybody who runs across this thread for ecobee problems, here's three really useful pieces of info.

  • Restart on the polyglot cloud service means, Stop and Start of the node server. :)
  • You certainly don't need a PIN anymore to setup ecobee.
  • The biggest thing I hadn't been doing but needed to was to restart the ISY admin console after getting the ecobee nodes to appear in the console.
  • To get the nodes to appear in the admin console you might need to copy the ecobee authorization link from the ecobee nodeserver log as I understand that sometimes the website fails to display the link.
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Oh, here's my understanding in a nutshell, of Polyglot and Polisy. 

  • The Polyglot cloud provides a way to run nodeservers with your ISY without needing to purchase Polisy hardware or Raspberry Pi.
  • The Polisy hardware or a configured Raspberry Pi can be used *instead* of the Polyglot cloud.
  • Current hardware and the cloud are using Polyglot 2.0 nodeservers. 
  • Polyglot 3.0 is in development and will require existing nodeservers to be modified to work. The polyglot cloud is not likely going to support 3.0 nodeservers, so it would be prudent to consider setting up local hardware in some reasonable timeframe.

Do I have this right?

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8 minutes ago, greazer said:

Do I have this right?

Yes, but i'll add to this one:

9 minutes ago, greazer said:

The Polisy hardware or a configured Raspberry Pi can be used *instead* of the Polyglot cloud.

The nodeserver store for local Polyglot on Polisy (or rpi) is much larger than the the cloud store.  To see the nodeservers available via the Polisy (or rpi) use this link: https://polyglot.universal-devices.com/

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2 hours ago, greazer said:

Awesome, thanks! Oh wait, while I have "you" here, can somebody provide me a pointer to where I can find instructions for installing Polisy on a raspberry pi? I'll look around myself. Maybe I've missed it somwhere.

@greazer I know you found it, but in case you needed more help maybe these videos will help...they're a little dated, but I guess the thought behind them should remain fairly constant. I've never done anything with a rpi so this is as close to help I can give.


Here's an early post about installation steps: https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/18093-polyglot-installation-instructions/


There's also some documentation found here: https://www.universal-devices.com/developers/polyglot/docs/index.html


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