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All On / Off Scene and Keypadlinc


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Hi all I have a few switches in the house controlled by Insteon switches.  I want to link them to a scene I am calling "everything".  Creating the scene is easy enough but what's the best way to link it to the Keypadlinc.   If I connect it to button A the state of the button doesn't change when one of the switches is on.  This results in me having to press the button twice to get the scene to turn off.  I ended up switching the button to only send "off" command which is better but it would be nice to be able to turn everything on using the same switch.

In this scenario I have a scene called 


Kitchen scene (virtual 3way)

  • 1 Switchlink is a responder (switch1)
  • 1 switch link is a controller (switch2)

Everything scene

  • 1 Switchlink is a ? (switch1)
  • 1 switch link is a ? (switch2)
  • keypad link button  is a ? (ButtonA)



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27 minutes ago, JEllin said:

Hi all I have a few switches in the house controlled by Insteon switches.  I want to link them to a scene I am calling "everything".  Creating the scene is easy enough but what's the best way to link it to the Keypadlinc.   If I connect it to button A the state of the button doesn't change when one of the switches is on.  This results in me having to press the button twice to get the scene to turn off.  I ended up switching the button to only send "off" command which is better but it would be nice to be able to turn everything on using the same switch.

In this scenario I have a scene called 


Kitchen scene (virtual 3way)

  • 1 Switchlink is a responder (switch1)
  • 1 switch link is a controller (switch2)

Everything scene

  • 1 Switchlink is a ? (switch1)
  • 1 switch link is a ? (switch2)
  • keypad link button  is a ? (ButtonA)



Make everything a controller.  Don't have anything that a responder only.   You can actually do this in one scene, you don't need 2 scenes for what you're showing here.. just make everything a controller.

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It tells me that the keypad link button is already a controller, let me clarify, I actually have more than one scene I wish to control with the single button.


Kitchen scene (virtual 3way)

  • 1 Switchlink is a responder (switch1)
  • 1 switch link is a controller (switch2)

Dining scene (virtual 3way)

  • 1 Switchlink is a responder (switch3)
  • 1 switch link is a controller (switch3)

Everything scene

  • 1 Switchlink is a ? (switch1)
  • 1 switch link is a ? (switch2)
  • 1 Switchlink is a ? (switch1)
  • 1 switch link is a ? (switch2)
  • keypad link button  is a ? (ButtonA)
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1 hour ago, JEllin said:

I actually have more than one scene I wish to control with the single button.

You don't control scenes with a scene, you control devices with a scene. 

1 hour ago, JEllin said:

Kitchen scene (virtual 3way)

  • 1 Switchlink is a responder (switch1)
  • 1 switch link is a controller (switch2)

Dining scene (virtual 3way)

  • 1 Switchlink is a responder (switch3)
  • 1 switch link is a controller (switch3)

In these two scene's as virtual 3-ways, both devices should be controllers.  If they aren't the lights on the switch will not stay in sync, and the ISY will not correctly identify the state of both switches.

Everything scene

  • 1 Switchlink is a ? (switch1)
  • 1 switch link is a ? (switch2)
  • 1 Switchlink is a ? (switch1)
  • 1 switch link is a ? (switch2)
  • keypad link button  is a ? (ButtonA)

There's a couple of approaches here.   One is to add button A to the Kitchen Scene and dinning room scene as a responder.  that will make that button light up if anything gets turned on, and one press should be off.    In that case Button A would be the only controller in this scene.  and pressing it would be All On and All Off.

In my house I have little use for "all on" but I do like all off.  If it's a 6-button keypad I always use button d for that, if it's 8-button I use button H.  I set it to "non-toggle OFF" and add everything I want to turn off, that includes switches and other buttons on keypads that might be on.    As you exit any area or room the bottom right button is always All OFF for what is behind you.  Examples exit the Master Bath, button D is the bottom right it's all off for the Master Bath, Exit the Master Bed Room itself button H is everything behind you, which includes everything in the bedroom, AND everything in the master Bath (it as its own sub-All Off but Master Bed Room All OFF includes everything in the Master bath all off and everything in the bedroom).   At the bottom of the stairs the All off there will turn off everything downstairs (or behind you).  Head out to the garage to leave... the button H by that door is All off for the whole house.


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I utilize Keypads in several places that have All On/Off button (usually button B in our house) linked to an "Everything" scene containing devices that are in other scenes or operated on their own. The approach that I use is programs on the ISY. You create a scene that has nothing but the All On/Off button as a responder - let's call it "Backyard Keypad Button B."  The same All On/Off button is a controller in the "Everything" scene. Then add a program that names every device in the "Everything" scene like so:

Backyard Keypad Button B Status - [ID 0032][Parent 001E]

        'Backyard / Balcony Lantern' Status is not Off
     Or 'Backyard / Balcony Can C' Status is not Off
     Or 'Backyard / Pool Deck Floods' Status is not Off
     Or 'Backyard / Gazebo L Sconce' Status is not Off
     Or 'Backyard / Gazebo R Sconce' Status is not Off
     Or 'Backyard / Balcony Lanterns' Status is not Off
     Or 'Backyard / Covered Porch Lantern' Status is not Off
     Or 'Backyard / Covered Porch Lanterns' Status is not Off
     Or 'Backyard / Stair Lanterns' Status is not Off
     Or 'Backyard / Backyard Floods' Status is not Off
        Set 'Backyard Keypad Button B' On
        Set 'Backyard Keypad Button B' Off

In this way, if any device in the "Everything" scene is turned on directly, by another scene, or by another program, then All On/Off button will illuminate, and pressing it will make sure everything is turned off. If the last device in the "Everything" scene is turned off, then the All On/Off button will turn off.

This example shows the setup favoring the All Off function. But it could be very easily changed to favor the All On function, i.e. change the if statements to "'<device>' Status is Off," the Then to Set 'Backyard Keypad Button B' to Off, and the  Else to set it to On, and then the All On/Off button will be lit only when EVERY device in the Everything On scene is on.

In some cases in the past, I have had to put a 2 or 3 second Wait in the program before turning the button scene on or off to prevent some "bouncing" of the status. But I just do this if I am noticing a problem.

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There are many ways to accomplish what you're trying to do. The best depends on the full scope of your home. I recommend trying a few different things to see what fits your situation. In addition to what MrBill said, I'll add a few others.

Create a scene with everything in it as responders configured to be on.

Create another scene with your kpl button in it as a responder as well.

There are multiple ways to accomplish the rest via programs.

Me- i'd create a program that that turns the everything scene off automatically from a single tap (including the kpl button) and another program that will turn everything on if i double tap it.

You could also create a program that turns on your kpl button if the status of any button is on and a program that turns the lights off if you turn the kpl button off. 

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6 minutes ago, JEllin said:

@Goose66 I am trying to replicate your program,


How do I enter 

Set 'Backyard Keypad Button B' On 

into the program editor? I found


"your devices"

"Set". 'Button D'

In the next column I see backlight, Query, or write changes.    I don't see an option to change a button state.

KPL general backlighting can be set via ISY program lines.

Individual KPL button backlighting can only be set On and Off via Insteon Scenes created to set each button's backlighting. Bit of a shortsightedness by Insteon but... Create a scene for each button and then have your programs call the scenes as required.

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7 hours ago, JEllin said:

How do I enter 

Set 'Backyard Keypad Button B' On 

into the program editor?

From the post above: "You create a scene that has nothing but the All On/Off button as a responder - let's call it "Backyard Keypad Button B."

So it's a new scene that just has the All On/Off keypad button in it as a responder. The program sets the state of that scene on or off to toggle the state of the keypad button. Note that this isn't just controlling the backlighting of the key, it also toggles the button state between On to Off, which changes what command it sends when subsequently pressed.

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Thanks a lot this seems to work,   but one thing I don't quite get is what causes the program to execute? I never assigned it to a button. Is it just constantly evaluated when there is a state change on one of the devices in the If condition?


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2 hours ago, JEllin said:

Thanks a lot this seems to work,   but one thing I don't quite get is what causes the program to execute? I never assigned it to a button. Is it just constantly evaluated when there is a state change on one of the devices in the If condition?


It runs every time the state of one of the devices changes.

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I thought I had this all working but I am still having some problems.  I am trying to troubleshoot.   Below is my program

"Entry All Off" is a scene with only the Entry D button in it as a responder.

        'Entry Light 2' Status is not Off
     Or 'Entry Light 1' Status is not Off
     Or 'Kitchen 2' Status is not Off
     Or 'Kitchen 1' Status is not Off
     Or 'Master Hall 1' Status is not Off
     Or 'Master Hall 2' Status is not Off
     Or 'Living Room Lamp' Status is not Off
     Or 'Master Dresser Lamp' Status is not Off
     Or 'Kitchen Cabinet' Status is not Off
     Or 'Office Lamp' Status is not Off
        In 'Entry All Off' Set 'EntryD' To On
        In 'Entry All Off' Set 'EntryD' To Off


The program status says the if condition is evaluating to false ( meaning all lights are off) However the status of Entry D is still "on"




I'm expecting when the program runs that the state of EntryD be off,   am I missing something?



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16 hours ago, JEllin said:

Well , I think I found one problem,  I was setting the status of the button within the scene rather than the scene itself.

That's correct. You weren't setting the status of the keypad button through the "Entry All Off" scene, you were adjusting the "Entry All Off" scene so that the "Entry D" button has an "On Level" of "Off." The net of this is now when you turn the  "Entry All Off" scene on, the button status will go to Off.

So in addition to changing your program to turn the "Entry All Off" scene on or off, make sure you go back to the "Entry All Off" scene setup and reset the "Entry D" "On Level" to "On" in the scene.

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