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Help please!

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Hi all, long story short: Wanted to have a fast-on at a kitchen light switch turn two other kitchen switches on and a fast-off turn the same switches off as shown below. Couldn't get it to work. Went into the log and the log didn't even show the initial switch being manually controlled. Replaced the switch with a new one and same thing. Put the old one back in and for some reason clicked on "start linking", waited for it to finish, and the program started working!? A few days later did a fast-off and the local switch was only beeping and not controlling the light, on or off!? Did a hard reset of the switch and was able to control it locally but it would no longer control the other two switches. Went to the admin console and tried turning the switch on or off and would get an error message saying that it could not communicate with that switch, but when I clicked on query of said switch it would give me an accurate state of the switch!? Any ideas???

Thank you!


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In the Admin console, do a restore device on the Kitchen Table Chandelier switch and the two other switches.. Your link tables may be corrupted and the restore device should correct it.

Another possibility is that you have noise on the powerline that's interfering with the commands. Are the recessed lights you're trying to control low voltage or ??




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