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"Failed Enabling Internet Access"

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Here is the panel from Help | About. It has the detail of my installation.


I get the above error every time I attempt "Enable Internet Access" from File Menu. When I go to Configuration -> Portals, I see that the Portal Integration is Offline and Registered. The ISY in an Ethernet network behind an Edgerouter X and then an Xfinity.


I have searched the help and forum and cannot find help.




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Upnp is turned off on your router which is why it doesn't work. 

Personally, I wouldn't recommend using that option. My first choice would be to use the portal. Go to help>purchase modules and buy a portal subscription. Once done and enabled on your isy, you'll have remote access.

The second would be to set a port forwarding rule. Again, not something I'd recommend but it's more secure than enabling upnp.

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1 hour ago, Bill S said:

Portal Integration is Offline and Registered

Looking at your about screen you have already purchased ISY Portal. Make sure you go to my.isy.io and setup your account.

Instructions for activating ISY Portal:  https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Portal_Installation_Instructions

KEY: You've got to APPROVE the portal request from the Admin Console 

Then to access your ISY remotely through ISY portal follow these directions:


Were you just trying to make sure your portal was active or were you trying to do something else that lead you down the path to try to "Enable Internet Access"? 


You might need to restart the process from the portal side. You could have entered an incorrect UUID so it isn't contacting your ISY to get the approval to link the Portal. 


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Just to add to what's been said here already...  Enable Internet Access is a poorly named feature, and it's from an era that UPnP was emerging.   Since that era, better more secure methods have been developed.  

Your ISY in fact has internet access with Enabling Internet Access.. this was a good way at one time to allow internet access from the outside.... since then routers changed, portals emerged etc.... as @Geddy points out you already have Portal... you don't need this option.

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