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a little motion sensor program help, please


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Hi, I would like opinions on this program, while it works most of the time it sometimes is problomatic. The problem is possible due to comminication issues I am having, but perhaps also the program.


The intent is to have the motion sensor control the Garage light unless the garage light has been turned on by other KPL controllers then they take precendence. I think the logic is correct as works most of the time, but may be an easier way and if any of you get time please give me your thoughts. It is broken up inot two prgrams , for on and off.



Motion on program:



Status '11.A0.A5-Sensor' is On

And Status 'Garage Back Lite' is Off



Set 'Garage Back Lite' 70%



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Motion sensor off program:



Control '11.A0.A5-Sensor' is switched Off

And Status 'Garage KPL A' is Off

And Status 'Garage KPL B' is Off

And Status 'Garage KPL D' is Off

And Status 'KPL Kitchen A' is Off

And Status 'KPL Kitchen - B' is Off

And Status 'KPL Kitchen - D' is Off



Set 'Garage Back Lite' Off



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

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The problem is that you are using Status for your motion sensor. This means that your program off is going to cause the first program to run if the status of the motion sensor is still on. I suggest using Control for the Motion Sensor in the fist program in which case the program is evaluated if and only if motion is sensed "again".


With kind regards,


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