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Backup Errors -->need a solid backup before moving to Polisy


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When doing backups, I get a series of the following two errors, throughout the process:

  • Socket Open Failed java.net.socketTimoutException
  • Socket Open Failed Java.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Remote host terminated the handshake

Backups continue and complete.

Are they good backups? and what else can I try to do to eliminate these errors with the following information / constraints of my system;

  1. Firmware 5.3.3, matching UI
  2. Mac with all backups to be stored on the Mac
  3. Have tried using the Admin Console both LAN and Cloud
  4. Wireless base unit only has two inputs; currently one for the WAN, the other various attempts shown below (TP-Link Deco Mesh)
  5. Elapsed time can take between 20 and 40 minutes to complete
  6. Home Network setup and variations I have tried as I assume this is where the problem lies?:
    1. Mac connected wirelessly to my LAN with the ISY connected to a large switch and then back to my wireless router (standard setup)
    2. Mac connected via ethernet to my ethernet switch with ISY connected to same switch
    3. Mac connected wirelessly to my LAN with ISY connected via ethernet cable to the same wireless router
    4. Disconnect wifi from router, plug both the Mac an ISY into the router. ISY Finder locates ISY but stays red when I click on it w/o giving any options for Admin
    5. Same as above, but have my Mac also using my phone as a hotspot in case wifi is needed, same result. Isy shows up but stays red. Appears that the router wont work properly w/o internet
    6. Internet to router, router with short run to a small 5 port switch, with Mac and ISY attached.
    7. Mac and ISY connected via wire to a second Deco Mesh unit which is wireless 5 ft from main wifi base

Is there a way to directly connect my Mac to the ISY and find it? Is there something else that is causing the problem? Maybe I need to pick up a cheap router for just backing up? 


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@dbwarner5 Have you ever adjusted the Java runtime parameter? I'm not a MAC user so can't tell you specifically if this might be causing your issue or not, but could certainly be an issue if Java on Mac is like on Windows to any degree.  You might be running out of memory allocated to the Java process during the backup. If you're taking that long to backup you've either got a slow computer (not typical for macs) or a large backup. It's probably capping out the Java process.

Here's steps to do this on Mac:  https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/63314/how-to-i-change-the-default-jvm-heap-size-on-os-x


From the UDI forums in release notes there are these instructions (geared mostly toward windows users):


Java runtime memory (when Admin Console is very slow to respond)

-      If the admin console is slow to respond, it is likely you need to increase the amount of memory allocated to the Java runtime (JRE).

-      Open the Java Control Panel, select Java tab, press View button, then add or modify the Runtime Parameter -Xmx to the following:

o   -Xmx512m

-      Press Ok to close the window, then Press Apply to save the changes


See if this helps you any. There might be other issues causing this so if it doesn't solve it perhaps others can chime in for things to try or you should open a support ticket with UDI to get specific MAC help.


as a side note...you say you're on 5.3.3. Why not upgrade to 5.3.4 on the 994i? That's the latest firmware build. Not that it should make a difference based on the errors you're getting, but wouldn't hurt to be on the latest for the 994i when going to the latest for the Polisy. 


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@Geddy yes. thanks. I have seen that thread before too, and hence my gyrations around my switch / router, trying to eliminate it. 

I will double check any firewall software and see if that changes things as well. 

ISY is fairly old, PLM has been replaced probably with in the last 2-3 years. Plan to do a restore to the PLM sometime, but have to face the bullet of dealing with all my battery operated devices when I do it, so trying to eliminate other things first. 

Will probably open a ticket at some point. thanks.

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22 minutes ago, dbwarner5 said:

@Geddy yes. thanks. I have seen that thread before too, and hence my gyrations around my switch / router, trying to eliminate it. 

I will double check any firewall software and see if that changes things as well. 

ISY is fairly old, PLM has been replaced probably with in the last 2-3 years. Plan to do a restore to the PLM sometime, but have to face the bullet of dealing with all my battery operated devices when I do it, so trying to eliminate other things first. 

Will probably open a ticket at some point. thanks.

What is your current firmware and UI version?

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16 hours ago, dbwarner5 said:

Wireless base unit only has two inputs; currently one for the WAN, the other various attempts shown below (TP-Link Deco Mesh)

I've got the same setup as you for wifi. I have the Deco 9+. My ISY is connected to a switch connected to the primary satellite several rooms away from my laptop running admin console. I just ran a backup on my system and it took about 90 seconds to run. 

Do you have an approximate idea of how many devices, scenes, and programs you have setup? I'm wondering why your device takes so long to backup. It could be network, but more likely the amount of information you're backing up and/or MAC related. 

Since you're on 5.x (5.3.3 from original post) are you running any nodeservers on the Polisy? You might want to try the ISY-Inventory nodeserver to get a count of your devices...



16 hours ago, dbwarner5 said:

I will double check any firewall software and see if that changes things as well. 

That's key too. Are you running a firewall on the MAC?

Ultimately, I think support ticket is the best option. They can help you and check the logs if there are any errors showing up on the ISY that might point to PLM, SD card, or even power supply issues. Since you say your 994i is "fairly old" it could be several things.

Good luck! Post back any updates or resolution. 

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@Geddy  Yes I have the ISY Inventory NS.309763086_ScreenShot2022-01-05at10_36_24AM.thumb.jpg.12330e8f42aecab0d343b061229298a2.jpg

I have opened a ticket. Just tried to run it again and it just crashed saying it could not create the zip file. No firewall, No VPN.. This is a new error. Will run it again to see what happens when it completes.

Wow. looking at my error log, I am getting a few errors every second. But nothing in regards to this attempted backup. Will try it again.


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46 minutes ago, dbwarner5 said:

Wow. looking at my error log, I am getting a few errors every second

I am NOT one that knows what to look for in error logs, but based on other replies on these the -170001 aren't really errors, but informational. Unless there's an error following the line it's probably nothing to worry about. 

Here's a recent post about the -170001 in the log.

I ran my error log just to see and I too had lots of the -170001 entries, but no errors were being thrown. 

52 minutes ago, dbwarner5 said:

it just crashed saying it could not create the zip file

That's troubling. Indeed...open a ticket. Let them help you through UDI Support. 

Good luck.

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@Geddy Yes interesting that at this site, https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Errors_And_Error_Messages -17001 isn't listed as an error. 

Just ran the back up again. took just under 50 minutes. Error log stops at time of initiation of backup, with nothing after it, although I  had dozens of socket errors.

Will wait for ticket response, but need to get this nailed down before any thoughts of moving to isy on polisy.


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