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Zwave on/off relay switch status not appearing in ISY994i


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Have a few ZWAVE Ge/Jasco Toggle/Paddle Relay (ON/OFF) only switches that link in ISY994 and work via the console and show ON and Off in the status area.   When you switch ON or OFF at the switch the status never changes?    Insteon and other ZWave + switches do this.   If you QUERY it will then show as ON or OFF.  It just doesn't refresh when it is switched ON or OFF at the switch.

Is this normal or am I missing something?   Thanks - fairly new to Insteon and the ISY994


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When you see this behavior, was the Admin Console idle for a while? Sometimes the Admin Console loses its connection, even if it does a refresh when you relog in. I find it best to close the Admin Console and restart it. Usually the queries will refresh correctly after that.

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4 hours ago, STIM141 said:

Have a few ZWAVE Ge/Jasco Toggle/Paddle Relay (ON/OFF) only switches that link in ISY994 and work via the console and show ON and Off in the status area.   When you switch ON or OFF at the switch the status never changes?    Insteon and other ZWave + switches do this.   If you QUERY it will then show as ON or OFF.  It just doesn't refresh when it is switched ON or OFF at the switch.

Is this normal or am I missing something?   Thanks - fairly new to Insteon and the ISY994


FIrmware and UI? What is the exact model number of your devices that you are having problems with? Jasco has made numerous models over the years.

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