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Mystery X10 codes - help to find source


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12 hours ago, lilyoyo1 said:

@jim_ at this point, I'd factory reset each insteon switch and use restore & and write updates to  get them reconnected to the Isy. This way you clear out anything that may be in them. If it starts happening again, you could pull the set button on devices one room at a time (at night) to see which area is causing the problem (if its a device). Once you narrow down the room, you can do it individually at the device. 

I have done most units, did so methodically in line with killing each breaker circuit branch

I still come back to why did the codes stop when daylight savings kick off March 13 .... something with a clock or corruption in program in ISY 

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6 minutes ago, jim_ said:

I had to chuckle when I read this ... I pictured myself standing out on the street at 2am looking at the neighbors houses to see if lights were flashing 

I ran into similar problem with a new neighbors TV satellite, they were using UHF remote to change channels which would also change my SAT channel  ... Fortunately, it was easy to diagnose ... new neighbor, new SAT install ... 

So how many times did you turn his TV on at 2:00 AM?

How did his wife like the porn? :)  :)

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