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Hi, I did a telnet to my ISY (telnet and it came up fine, but one of the commands I gave it was XS (exit shell) to close the telnet window (log off), but I can no longer telnet now to my isy. OK, what did I do wrong this time ? :)


Got "could not open on port 26" I think my port is 443 but that does not work either. No port was needed on my first attempt that worked OK untill I did the exit via XS

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Hi jkraus,


Please make sure you do not add any port after telnet. In short, all you need to do is:



It seems your computer is trying to use a different port!


With kind regards,



Hi, I did a telnet to my ISY (telnet and it came up fine, but one of the commands I gave it was XS (exit shell) to close the telnet window (log off), but I can no longer telnet now to my isy. OK, what did I do wrong this time ? :)


Got "could not open on port 26" I think my port is 443 but that does not work either. No port was needed on my first attempt that worked OK untill I did the exit via XS

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that is what I did the first time that worked OK, but now without the port number (or with any port number) I cannot telnet anymore However the error is port 23 not 26. I beleive 23 is the telnet default. In any caser cannot telnet to the isy despite rebooting

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still having problme, but all I was trying to do was remeber how to set the static IP address for whenI get my new isy replacement. Now I did a search and see that is in the admin cousole, cool! Is ther any reason tho have to telnet anymore?


BTW, love 2.7.8 and love the batch mode, all seem very stable to me

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Hi jkraus,


Since this is a new release, I tend to consider everything a but (unless a known feature). As such, would you be kind enough to try again and ensure that you are telneting to the correct IP address. If not, would you be kind enough to let me know the approximate procedures you took before this started happening?


With kind regards,



still having problme, but all I was trying to do was remeber how to set the static IP address for whenI get my new isy replacement. Now I did a search and see that is in the admin cousole, cool! Is ther any reason tho have to telnet anymore?


BTW, love 2.7.8 and love the batch mode, all seem very stable to me

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I telneted to (my static IP address- with no ports) and it worked fine. ran a couple of insturction like set IP address but did not change anything. Then I did "XS" exit shell and then tried to telent again same address as before and could not get a connect. I then tried also adding ports, but to no avail so assumed it was the XS command, Even rebooted my dual boot PC form Win 7 into Vista and even ran the telnet from there but no differnece. Even downloaded Putty telnet client, same result

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This might be a dumb question, but can you confirm that the ISY is still at the same IP address by pinging it?


Have you also tried rebooting your ISY? If its telnet service is not responding, it's not a client problem.

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No sure it is a bug vs something either in my system or something I did. Reason was that originally I could telnet fine (even after upgrading to 2.7.8) then selected a couple of menu items like change IP (although I am 100% sure I did not change it), just to play around a bit then executed XS (exit Shell) and then tried to log on again, and could not. So it seems at least that the isy with 2.7.8 let me do it at least once, but not a second time, seemingly more like I changed something. This is not my area of expertise so I will leave it up to you, but just wanted to make the picture clear





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Hi Joe, thanks so very much. Perhaps you disabled telnet (DT)?


With kind regards,





No sure it is a bug vs something either in my system or something I did. Reason was that originally I could telnet fine (even after upgrading to 2.7.8) then selected a couple of menu items like change IP (although I am 100% sure I did not change it), just to play around a bit then executed XS (exit Shell) and then tried to log on again, and could not. So it seems at least that the isy with 2.7.8 let me do it at least once, but not a second time, seemingly more like I changed something. This is not my area of expertise so I will leave it up to you, but just wanted to make the picture clear





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Hi jkraus,


To get it back, you would need serial access. Since most of the configuration functions are now supported in the UI, I do not think you need telnet at all for now.


With kind regards,


I am almost sure I did not execute a DT command because I did not even remember that command was present, but let's say I did. How would one get it back?
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