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ISY & Java 11


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I've needed to update my Java to version 11 for reasons unrelated to the ISY due to a Java based suite of tools I use for other things whose developers are requiring Java 11 instead of Java 8

In doing so, my direct ISY launcher no longer works and while I can access my ISY through Firefox, I cannot access the admin console, stating Jave 2+ is needed.

It would seem the most likely issue is that while I have Java 11 installed and working fine with the non-ISY suite of Java based tools, I've missed a step or something that I need to do to have the ISY's related links find the Java 11 installation. I am by no means an expert here so any advice welcome.

The Java 11 install was done by uninstalling JAVA 8, restarting, and then installing the Windows 64 bit,  *.msi version of https://www.azul.com/downloads/?version=java-11-lts&package=jre of Java 11.

I'm running 5.3.4 . With no other issues, by the way, very stable.

Any advice welcome,

Cheers, Peter

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Hi Geddy,

Following what sounds like your same logic, I did initially start with the Java 11 from the Oracle site. When I ran into this same issue after that install - the 'other' tools working but the ISY's launch not - I figured perhaps some configuration / registry pieces were missing that an experienced Java person would know but I didn't. As the Oracle Java 11 download site didn't have a *.msi file (as the machine in question is Windows 11 using a *.msi seemed the KISS answer ) available, I started again from scratch with the Azul implementation which did. 

In checking things just now I see that I've no default application listed against *.jnlp so that would seem to be the core issue, at least with the launcher. Manually assigning the Azul's java.exe or javaw.exe to it didn't help the issue.

Any other ideas welcome. I'm sure this will be obvious in retrospect after I've resolved it.


Thanks, Peter

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So I've done some more self education and it seems my issue is that a *.jnlp file needs a.javaws executable and the install noted above only results in a java and javaw executable.

Looks like I'm going to have to do additional education on installing Java 11 to keep both tool groups happy.

Update - So figuring that the Oracle install might give the javaws executable that I believe the *.jnlp is looking for, I uninstalled the AZUL version of Java 11 , restarted, and installed the Oracle Java 11.

jdk-11.0.13_windows-x64_bin.exe - link, not the file.

Same issue, no javaws executable.

I'm sure I'm just missing a core concept here so any advice - basic or complicated - welcome.

Thank you, Peter




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@CPRail1 I'm not quite sure why you need Java 11, but I'm sure that Launcher/Admin Console probably is only written to work with the current supported release of JRE 8. Perhaps @Michel Kohanim can chime in to confirm or give other advise on the Java case. 

Since you still have issues then I suggest starting a ticket with UD Support to ask them directly how to achieve launching the Admin Console with other versions of Java. 


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Hi Michel,

Thank you. That will be a good long term solution so I'll keep a spare machine at Java 8 unless you've other suggestions of how I can do admin functions like program creation in the interim.

Cheers, Peter

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