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I have a scene with three devices, one of them is the load, the other two are buttons on a keypad.

I have a sensor, not in the scene, that triggers the scene to turn ONoff.  But the devices don't respond.  To add to the challenge, When I look at the scene in the [Main] tab, the devices are indicated as being ONoff but they are not in that state.

As a work around, in the program, I issue the command ONoff three times.

Interestingly enough, this also occurs when I manually turn ONoff the scene from the ISY in the [Main] tab.  The scene works as expected when using the members of the scene.

(I use ONoff to indicate both situations of ON or off)

My goal is to  have the sensor turn ONoff the scene, but not during the day and not if one of the of the buttons had turn the scene on

Program to respond to sensor

FrontPorchSensorONoff - [ID 0009][Parent 0001]

        From    Sunset 
        To      Sunrise (next day)
    And (
             '- / FrontPorchSensor-Sensor' is switched On
         And '- / FrontPorchSensor-Sensor' is not switched Off
     Or $PorchLightPersistOn is 1
        Set 'FrontPorchLights' On
        Set 'FrontPorchLights' On
        Set 'FrontPorchLights' On
        Set 'FrontPorchLights' Off
        Set 'FrontPorchLights' Off
        Set 'FrontPorchLights' Off

Program to set persistence
Want to keep the porch lights from coming on during the day.
But, if manually switched on, turn them on no matter what and keep them on.
For reasons unknown, 3 commands to turn ONoff lights are required to make it work.


Program to set persistence

FrontPorchPersistsON - [ID 000A][Parent 0001]

             '- / FrontPorchLights' is switched On
          Or '- / Entry.Ed_FrontPorch' is switched On
          Or '- / Stairs.E_FrontPorch' is switched On
    And (
             '- / FrontPorchLights' is not switched Off
         And '- / Entry.Ed_FrontPorch' is not switched Off
         And '- / Stairs.E_FrontPorch' is not switched Off
        $PorchLightPersistOn  = 1
        $PorchLightPersistOn  = 0
Set a flag to ensure that the lights remain on




It would be helpful if you stated the devices you are using along with the firmware and UI. The ISY and Polisy supports many types of devices which can have many different ways to troubleshoot


Sounds to me like either:

- communication problem with your ISY/PLM and the devices... maybe failing PLM?

- failing devices that don't respond reliable correctly to Insteon commands.

Are these switches older PLC only or Dual band with RF?

An Insteon device in scene communicate amongst themselves directly without a controller which explains why they work with each other but not from ISY if there is a communication path issue somewhere.


Thanks for your input!
I have not experienced other communication problems between the devices the PLM/ISY
Like I stated, I have an inelegant work-around, but it is always concerning that this may be evidence of other problems.

Firmware Insteon_UD994 v.5.3.0 (2020-10-01-14:39:56)
UI Insteon_UD994 v.5.3.0 ( 2020-10-01-14:39:56)
Product ISY 994i/IR (1130) - OpenADR (21010)
                           - Z-Wave (21100)
                           - Portal Integration
                           - UDI (21075)
FrontPorchSensor-Sensor   2842-222 INSTEON Motion Sensor v.41
FrontPorchLights          2442-222 Micro Module Dimmer v.43
Entry.Ed_FrontPorch:      2486D KeypadLinc Dimmer v.2A
Stairs.E_FrontPorch:      2334-2 KeypadLinc Dimmer 8 Buttons V.45

ps, is there a way to turn off the double spacing?


37 minutes ago, GFerry said:

ps, is there a way to turn off the double spacing?

Welcome to the forums. Enter currently starts a new paragraph. Putting space between the prior to make it easier for people to read. If you just want to go to the next line you can use space+enter and it will drop to the next line. 

Additionally, I would suggest updating to 5.3.4 firmware/UI as it's the latest version and while might not directly fix your issues it would be the most recent firmware that is supported and any troubleshooting or suggestions for adjustments given here will more than likely be based on current function of 5.3.4 firmware. Make sure you following directions carefully when upgrading firmware. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Is there another insteon device you can get the program to turn on/off besides the 2442-222?

Your insteon network is not that big and there may be communications issues from your PLM to that particular device. Your one dimmer 2486D is single band and may have issues rebroadcasting the signal from PLM, or may be causing interference.

Is it possible for testing to move the ISY and PLM closer and then test?

In the past when I had more PLC only devices I would resort to similar programs to send the commands several times, but even so it was unreliable. As I have mostly dual band devices and about 50 Insteon devices in total, my network is pretty reliable now, but it was not that long ago that I have had similar issues. I recently changed out an ancient keypadlinc relay with a new dual band keypadlinc dimmer (no relays available) and it solved a whole bunch of communication issues with lights nearby that were associated with it.




  • Like 1

Thanks @brians

Unfortunately, insteon products are in short supply and if you find one, it  costs a lot.  I am in the process of migrating to polygot to be able to use more cost effect devices.  Alas, that is turning into a nightmare, too. :(


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