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sunrise and sunset times are wrong?


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I don't know if this helps or adds to the confusion. I have no problem entering those values with -5 offset. I also have a different field layout, the Lat and Long are separate input fields.


Has anyone without an input field to the right of Long field label tried moving the right edge of the window to the right to see if there is an input field that may be covered because of the font size.


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Well theres my problem!!! I don't see a field for Lon. I'd post a screen shot but I'm unable to reach the ISY remotely for the first time in a long time. I will have to wait till I can get home to see whats wrong. Everything else on my network is responding. No Https, Ping or Telnet response from ISY.




Edit: My screen looks exactly like bmiller's screenshot. Maybe its a MAC UI Bug ? Anyway, using my Lat and GMT-5 seems to be within a minute or two of what the weather channel shows as sunrise/sunset for my zip code. I figure the ISY is using the Offset to determine the Lon.


When I get ISY up and running later, I'll have a look through my XP VM and see if I get the same dialog layout.

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I can drag the right edge of the window to make it larger. If the Java on the MAC has the same capability the input field may just be hidden. Although if I move the right edge to the left to cover Long input field I get a scroll bar which is not present in bmiller's image. I suspect a difference in the Java implementation as there is no Admin Console code specific to MAC

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As it turns out I can move the right edge to the left just enough to cover the input field but not get a scroll bar. I run a high resolution so my font size is small enough to get all the fields by default. Hopefully it is just a matter of moving the right edge to the right to expose the Long input field.



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Excellent. As soon as I regain access to my ISY I will attempt to widen the dialog and see if it's just hiding on me.




And bmiller's image does have the new Lion/Mountain Lion MAC Scrollbar in it so I'm sure you nailed the answer here. :)



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I can confirm, the field is there! It took my full Lat/Lon position without error. I'd say the default width of that dialog needs to increase by approximately 25% to show the Lon field.


Thanks LeeG!



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