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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×

UD Mobile - Android

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Added PG3 frontend port, minor bug fixes:

App Saves and encrypts PG3 credentials. Link a new or existing Portal Account, portal account can be shared with ISY for single login. Poral Login required to purchase Node Servers to help prevent unintended purchases. If Portal account is linked in app there is no login required to install purchased Node Servers. Allows for multiple PG3 instances (Polisy systems). Add and edit ISYs linked to PG3. Access PG3 store. Install Node Servers. Purchase Licenses (directed to ISY Portal for secure web purchase). View License options and purchases.  Add/Edit configuration parameters. Node server commands Start/Stop/etc. View Node data and logs.

Known Issues:

  • Double dialog popup on new system setup. Fixed in  0.135
  • Load Profile button returns error. Fixed in 0.135
  • Configuration Params show/hide button return error. Fixed in 0.135
  • Custom Parameters can not be added when there a no values. Fixed in 0.135


  • Currently PG3 can only be accessed from a local network. 



Beta 0.135

Added Load Profile function. Updated gradle. Fixed missing Custom Params entry when empty. Fixed Hanging indicator. Fixed show Hide Custom Params button. Fixed double dialog popup for new PG3 system.

Beta 0.136

Fixed Intents for API 31.

Beta 0.137

Reverted navigation component as deep links do not allow navigation to lower tab indexes.

Beta 0.138

Reverted target version to fix MQTT Paho crash.

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Beta 0.139

Added UOMs 121 - 146. Added support for System Editors. Fixed database reentry for Editor Range query.

This release adds support for Custom Notifications to Node Servers. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Production 0.140

Fixed ISY finder for Polisy. ISY Finder will now show list of devices found on network instead of returning first device. There are still known issues with linking a Polisy during initial onboarding which will be corrected in a future update.

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Production 0.141

Fixed onboarding. Onboarding will now show list of ISY instead of first found.

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Production 0.142

Added Insteon Inclusion. Fixed remove node. Added Zwave include/exclude progress descriptions. Rebuild subscription parsing. Added saved state for non database actions.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Beta 0.143

This is a trial release for program edits with limited adjustments. Add/Edit Conditions/Actions include Schedules, Parenthesis, Program-Comments, Device Commands.  Move items within sections by long click and drag.  Edit items within sections by clicking the item. More Conditions/Actions coming soon.


Programs can be created by clicking the "+" icon at the top of the screen from any program folder.


Programs can be deleted by clicking the edit icon at the top of any program folder then click the program and select delete.  


Click the program in the programs list, then click the program icon at the top of the screen. Add  If/Then/Else Condition/Action by clicking the Add button at the top of the If/Then/Else section.  


Programs are automatically saved when moving an item or after Condition/Action adding/editing.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Beta 0.144

tldr: Added more program adds/edits, sync required. Bug fixes.

Added program rename. Added program move-to-folder. Added UOM 78/79 Unknown value actions (sync required). Added UOM 15 Actions (sync required). Added Status params table and parsing (sync required). Added Program If-Status, If-Control, and Then/Else Wait. Fixed Network Resources for portal inclusion.

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Beta 0.145

Removed Then/Else from program folders. Added Program edit from home tab. Fixed crash after saving favorite command type. Bug fixes.

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Beta 0.146

Added Variable Precision change (Sync required). Added create, delete, and rename variable functions.

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Version 0.145 has been pushed to production.  Thanks to all testers reporting program creation bugs!

Beta 0.147

Added Push Notifications. Notifications can be sent via network resources, PG3 Node Server coming soon. Node server will use existing email/notification framework available in ISY Admin Console and UD Mobile, however this feature is only available on IoP (ISY on Polisy).  Network Resource method available to all ISY users on 5.x with an ISY Portal Account.  These instructions will be added to our Wiki before production release. 

Network Resource Instructions:

  • Click the new notifications tab in UD Mobile.
  • Click the settings (gear icon) at the top of the notifications tab main screen.  If you have linked more than one ISY Portal account (unlikely for most users) you will be prompted to select an ISY Portal Account.  The screenshot below shows notification settings.


Use the COPY button to copy your API key.  If your key is compromised (like posting an image on the forum), the RESET button will invalidate the current API key and return a new key.  The Devices section will list all mobile devices linked to the Portal Account. Clicking on a Device will allow users to enable/disable/delete the mobile device, enable/disable device membership in groups, and send test notifications.  Add groups by clicking the ADD button next to the group header.  Clicking on a group will allow group deletion.  The instructions below will send notifications to all Active devices.

The "UD Notifications" group can not be deleted from the App and is intended for sending notifications from UD, such as notifying the user when their ISY is no longer communicating with ISY Portal.  UD Notifications have not been implemented as of 06/10/22.  

When a Device is deleted from ISY Portal and has an active UD Mobile installation the device will be re-added automatically. This feature is intended to delete old devices, to exclude a device from receiving notifications please click the device in Notification Settings then disable.

The UD Mobile Notification-Tab must be clicked once before the device is available to ISY Portal, so please instruct all family members to click this tab after updating to a version supporting this feature. 

  • From the Admin Console Click Configuration-Tab -> Networking-Tab -> Network-Resources-Tab. Then Add a new Network Resource.
  • Protocol: https | POST | Host = my.isy.io | Port = 443 | Path = /api/push/notification/send | Mode = Raw Text 
  • Header: Add x-api-key with the value as your API Key copied from UD Mobile. This is a manual entry not available from the dropdown menu.Screen Shot 2022-06-10 at 4.35.10 PM.png
  • Body: title=message_title&body=message_body  where message_title and message_body are replaced by your desired title and body values.
  • Click update then save, then save all network resources. Finally press TEST to send the notification.

Screen Shot 2022-06-10 at 4.34.38 PM.png



Sending a notification to a group of devices:

  • Follow instructions above to create a notification
  • From the Notification-Settings in UD Mobile click ADD next to groups and create a new group.
  • Click any device in the Devices section then enable the group for the selected device.
  • Add "groupid=group_name"  to the body of the network resource, where group_name is replaced with the group ID. The group ID is in parenthesis next to the group name in UD Mobile. The group name and id may be the same.
  • Save the network resource, then save all network resources, then test.



Screen Shot 2022-06-13 at 1.54.14 PM.png

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  • 2 weeks later...


0.150 Reset home fragment query to top most query on home tab reselection. Pop fragments on same tab on tab reselection.

0.149 Added Edit lock to notification settings. Bug fixes.

0.148 Updated Navigation Controller, bottom tab click will no longer reset fragment on selected. Added notification shortcut. Added error message for devices which do not support notifications.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Production 0.155

Added notification creation time. Added notification swipe to delete. Added notification delete all. Allow acknowledgement of additional notifications while waiting for server response.


Added notification sounds.

0.151 - 0.153

Added notification channels for notification sound resources.

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Fixed back button for favorites folder on tab change. Fixed PG3 system changed after connection to a different system. Subscription/Connection errors are now shown on Home Tab instead of notification. Fixed Program status crash when sync required. Added System status to home tab.

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Added badge to notifications tab for unacknowledged notifications. Favorites Tab reselection will now pop to root fragment. Launch from Favorites shortcut will now pop to favorites fragment and reset parent ID to null.

  • 1 month later...


Disable click on Command parameter cells when optional param is disabled. Initial Programs/Variable request will no longer overwrite subscription inserted values. 


Fixed CMDP parsing for parameter names with "-". 


Added automatic refresh of Program Edit Fragment on Program Key change. Fixed range for nls cmd values. 


Fixed new Favorite Commands not being shown after command entry. Fixed Favorite Command entry crash when saving null value.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Added Increment-Picker Widget. Convert scene DON commands with parameter=0 to DOF command. Removed Switch=true command parameters for DON accepts ID, fixes scenes and On-Level switch values. Adjusted Insteon UOM 100 and 101 Emap rounding.


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Adjusted Switch view to include value picker. Added Picker Widget. Fixed Widgets for Programs. Bug fixes.

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Favorite Object Span is the number of cells a favorite occupies. Default is the default value for the Favorite Type intended for future use with Widgets.

See global user preferences to change default span*.  Each Favorites folder (or main) can have a different Span value. Span for each folder is determined by highest value. Span values are User Preference or highest individual Span in the folder.

Span addition is in preparation for Widgets on Favorites screen.

Release Notes:

Added Span to Favorite objects. Added default Favorites Span to Global User Preference. Added divider between favorite icon and value when toggle is active. Fixed favorite background color for non-dark theme for some display types. Bug fixes.



* Favorites Span is missing from Global User Preference. Will be fixed in next update.

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Added Favorites Span to Global user preference. Fixed toggle indicator reset on view recycle.

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Beta 0.167

0.167 Added pause to screen refresh during/after favorites move. Added Widgets as Favorite Type.


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Added user modifications for Node Def Accepts Param Values.  This allows users to add INIT values to link a status and a command.  Workaround for missing INIT values not allowing widgets.

How to add an INIT Value:

Go to the Node's Dashboard for the Node which has a status value and command which are related but not known to the app.  Note that "Status" item is NOT clickable and the "ON" Command has a parameter option (three dot) menu.   Click the (three dot) menu next to the "ON" Command.


Click the Command Parameter Edit Button:


The INIT value should be empty.  If not empty the command is already associated with a Status value. Click the INIT Section.



Select the Status Value that should be associated with the parameter. Note selecting a Status value which does not match the command will show widgets but values will not be correct.  If a value is entered by mistake click the delete button to clear.


Now the Status value is clickable and will work with widgets. Note that "Status" IS clickable as indicated by the chevron on the right.


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  • 2 months later...

Version 1.0

Major Authorization and onboarding upgrades. Created new Synchronization view, will now prompt to backup before database cleaning. Rebuild many sync functions. Rebuild Location Permission Requests. Rebuild Wifi Network View. Rebuild Reboot Views. Bug Fixes.

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