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UD Mobile - iOS

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This topic holds the latest release notes for UD Mobile on iOS. Please scroll to the last post for the latest information. Minimum firmware required 5.0.16.


UD Mobile available for public testing. Please create backups after favorites/customization creation/change when using beta builds.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Beta 0.7.7

Fixed Insteon liking when started/stopped by another client/instance when app has multiple ISYs.  Zwave progress dialog will now show when started/stopped by another client.

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  • 1 month later...

Beta 0.7.8

Added Push Notifications. Notifications can be sent via network resources, PG3 Node Server coming soon. Known issues with badge number due to subscription status using notification. Badge issue will be corrected in a future update.

See links below for Network Resource setup:




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  • 2 weeks later...

Beta 0.7.9

Fixed Favorites launch type crash on M1 Mac. Fixed backup for in memory database

Beta: 0.8.0"

Fixed Favorites folder title save on favorite click, Added notification sounds.

Beta: 0.8.1

Fixed multiple Notification Settings windows opening. Added Notification Badges. Changed notification list order. Fixed notification settings showing multiple windows. Bug Fixes.

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Beta: 0.8.2

Added notification time created parameter. Resort notification list. Added delete all notifications. Removed deleted notifications while waiting for server response. Fixed view size for empty view subtext. Added delete device function. Fixed test notification sending to all devices.

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  • 1 month later...

Beta 0.8.5

Added limited program add/edit/create/delete functions. Bug Fixes. *Programs can only be edited when all IF Condition and Then/Else Actions are supported.  All programs and program folders can be deleted. Additional Conditions and Actions coming soon.

Program/Program-Folder add/edits:

Create, Delete, Rename*, change order of If Conditions and Then/Else Actions (long press and drag)*

If Conditions add/edits*:

Schedule, Parenthesis, Comment

Then/Else Action add/edits*:

Command, Wait, Comment


Production 0.8.4

Removed Portal error message on Home Tab for users without an ISY Portal Account.

Production 0.8.3

Fixed app hang when adding ISY to Portal.

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Beta 0.8.6

Added Node Status If Condition to Program add/edit.  Added value reset when app swiped from recents. Initial Program/Variable request will no longer overwrite subscription inserted values. Added missing UOM Actions

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  • 2 weeks later...


Added Status Only and Increment widget types. Convert scene percentage value command 0 to DOF. Removed Switch widget DON command parameters, fixes scenes and On-Level. Adjusted Insteon UOM 100 and 101 Emap rounding. Fixed Widgets for Programs. Bug fixes.

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Beta 0.9.3



Favorite Object Span is the number of cells a favorite occupies. Default is the default value for the Favorite Type intended for future use with Widgets.

See global user preferences to change default span.  Each Favorites folder (or main) can have a different Span value. Span for each folder is determined by highest value. Span values are User Preference or highest individual Span in the folder.

Span addition is in preparation for Widgets on Favorites screen.

Release Notes:

Added Span to Favorite objects. Added default Favorites Span to Global User Preference. Added divider between favorite icon and value when toggle is active. Updated dependencies and adjusted app for Xcode 14



0.9.4 Fixed Span chevron icon/alignment. New favorites now have Default span.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Beta 0.9.6

Added Editor Range Span and Node Def Accepts Param Editor. Fixed SQL error during Favorites Save. Fixed position restoration for Favorites Folders with many items. Workaround for missing INIT values not allowing widgets.

How to add an INIT Value (see Android instructions)


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  • 2 months later...

Beta 1.0.1

Version 1.0.1 is a major change to authentication, onboarding, authentication/connection error catching, and eisy QR code setup.  See videos below for instructions on adding a systems to UD Mobile although should guide without needing instructions.

This version has a greater focus on ISY portal to help cut down on support tickets.  The app will prompt for portal credentials first when setting up a new system. Select "No Thanks" or "Cancel" for local only connections or self managed remote connections.  Self managed setup should only be prompted in the System add/edit screen.

Account Creation


Wi-Fi Setup:


Wired Setup:


Beta 1.0.2

Fixed program Else actions adding to If Section

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

EDIT:  Issue related to error "Could not get product updates" found fixed in 1.0.17.


Version 1.0.16

Added firmware check, upgrade, and forced upgrade. Fixed network permission causing jump to favorites tab.

Testers: This version will allows firmware upgrade from within the app from the Admin Tab.  The upgrade command is the same as AC but the app will attempt to show upgrade progress. Once we have verified there are no errors in upgrade progress this will be added to onboarding. The firmware upgrade screen must remain open to track upgrade status, the app will attempt to keep the screen on, however if user navigates away from this screen the app will no longer track upgrade progress.  The app ask users to wait 20 minutes, however in testing most upgrades completed within 5-7 minutes.

If UD Mobile believes firmware can be upgraded an "Update Firmware" button will be shown.

If UD Mobile believes the firmware is up to date then "Force Upgrade" button will be shown.  This will force an upgrade to the latest version. Forced upgrades may upgraded to a version higher than the known available highest version.


If upgrade progress fails:

  • Report by ticket or start a topic in the UD Mobile forum. 
  • Wait 30 minutes for upgrade to compete.  Note that any failures only relate to the progress shown in UD Mobile, the upgrade will continue as normal.
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Version 1.0.18

Add to favorites can now be done from Home Tab in both Device list edit mode or Node's Dashboard settings (top bar). Fixed Reboot from portal. Fixed system name for empty string. Fixed adding new variables when no variables exist. Restrict Node Dashboard section moves to same section. Created new Node Add and Node Edit Views. Node Edits actions are now available within the Node's Dashboard. Creating a new Program will now show Program Edit. Bug Fixes.

New ways to add default favorites without needing to set all parameters (options 2 & 3):


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  • 2 weeks later...

Beta Version 1.0.20

Added Program Schedules Quick Look on Home Tab. Added Linked Programs from Node's Dashboard. Fix Favorites Move and Move enabled for iOS running on Mac (i.e. M1).

Quick Look:

See all programs with schedules from the Quick Look > Schedules section. Quick Look section is on the same Home Screen as "Devices and Scenes" Folder.   While Quick Look > Schedules should locate all programs with Schedules it is possible the app misses some with conditions or actions not yet mapped in UD Mobile.

Linked Programs:

See all programs linked to a node from the Node's Dashboard (Screen which shows all status and command values for a node)> Settings (Top) > Linked Programs. While Linked Programs should locate all program where the node is in the Status, Control, or Command conditions/actions it is possible the app misses some with conditions/actions not yet mapped in UD Mobile.


Favorites can now be added from Home tab from both the Node List > Edit > Select Node > Add to Favorites or from the Node's Dashboard > Settings > Add To Favorites. Tried to fix Favorite Move on M1, requires testing. Fixed Favorite move always active on M1.   

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