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Isteon....Now what?!?


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So I got a surprise when we came back form vacation and suddenly all my insteon devices did not work and I had a red LED on my HUB.

A quick view here and I am not aware of what happened, so I am here to see what my path forward is as I am sure many of are.  I actually have an ISY994i that I never got fully up and running, so I am leaning toward that path.  I have slowly been going toward Wyze for my cameras...so my one remaining I am already set to replace. 


So for switches only have 8 Insteon either on/off or dimming, I assume I can just move over to the ISY994i, but is that easy to get up and running with Alexa?

I was planning on adding more switches this year, so what are my options now that will integrate with the ISY device?  I also have a Chamberlin Garage door that if I could get integrated would be even better.

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I know it's a lot to read, but start off here -- https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/35746-insteon-hub-2245-cloud-servers-shut-down/

There's a lot of information about what might be the best course of action if you wanted to keep using the hub and had any of the options mentioned in that thread. 

Since you have an ISY994 then you'll need to have a PLM (which you might have purchased at the same time). If you don't have a PLM then you're very limited because they are not available (except rare finds on ebay). The ISY994 does not support the USB PLM stick like the Polisy does. 

To have the ISY994 work with Alexa you will need to setup an account with UD ISY Portal

15 minutes ago, Frozen001 said:

I was planning on adding more switches this year, so what are my options now that will integrate with the ISY device? 

Your options are limited if just sticking with the ISY994 as it will handle Insteon (if you have a PLM) and will support z-wave (if you have a z-wave controller installed). Beyond that you would need something to run a node server. UD has developed the Polisy to replace the ISY994 and is a much more advanced computer to support ISY on Polisy (IoP) and node servers on one device. 

Polisy will allow you to run node servers to incorporate things like Z-wave, Hue, Kaza, and many more options. Learn more about the Polisy from UD.



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Yea I plan on working through that thread tonight.

I do have a PLM, but WOW these are going for insane prices on ebay right now... one is $1100 right now.  Maybe I should sell it! and start over haha.
with what?

Sent from my SM-G781W using Tapatalk

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