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Upgraded 4.9.0 to 5.0.16c and things are broken


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Some things are working, some aren't. For example, take the following program, which worked reliably for years prior to the upgrade:

	Time is Sunset
	Or 'Interior / Upstairs / Master / Bed / MstrBed KP:F night' is switched On
	$Night = 1
	Set 'Interior / Upstairs / Master / Night' On
	Set 'Exterior / Exterior lights' On
	Set 'Exterior / Front deck rope lights' On
	Run Program 'KP Backlights' (Else Path)
	- No Actions -

This runs at Sunset or if I manually run the Then path. It sets $Night to 1 like it's supposed to and it runs the KP Backlights program, but those scenes don't run at all. 

The scenes work by themselves. I can trigger them with the admin console and everything is fine, but the program doesn't execute them.

Any ideas?

I have an older Z-Wave module, or I would have upgraded to a newer release.

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Do the scenes always work if controlled manually from the ISY?  for testing purposes add Wait 15 seconds between each of the Set statements.  Is the PLM plugged in where it always has been?  Have you plugged anything new recently?  Like a charger for a new gadget?  or even changed an LED bulb.... What I'm getting at is the sounds like a garden variety Insteon noise or signal sucker issue.  The ISY is doing what it's supposed to but the message is not received.

ALso Open Event Viewer Level 3 and watch to see if the ISY is generting Insteon traffic.

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Thanks for the response. Nothing has changed in the home beyond the ISY upgrade. PLM hasn't been moved in years, no new things plugged in anywhere in the home. 

The scenes always work when triggered manually from the ISY admin console. I have several dozen dual band devices throughout the home and have never experienced noise issues preventing Insteon communications. This is definitely a software issue. I can press the Night button on my Master Bed keypad and this program sees that and updates the $Night variable, but the Exterior Lights and Front deck rope lights scenes don't run. 

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As mentioned above, open the Event Viewer to Level 3 and show us what's happening when the program runs.

also for testing purposes add Wait 15 seconds between each of the Set statements.

3 minutes ago, marvel said:

This is definitely a software issue.

There's no magic answer for your situation.  we need to figure out why it's not working.  You've provided some new information in your post, but stopped short of all the suggestions.  Other people aren't having the "software issue" so we need to figure out why you are...


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44 minutes ago, marvel said:

Thanks for the response. Nothing has changed in the home beyond the ISY upgrade. PLM hasn't been moved in years, no new things plugged in anywhere in the home. 

The scenes always work when triggered manually from the ISY admin console. I have several dozen dual band devices throughout the home and have never experienced noise issues preventing Insteon communications. This is definitely a software issue. I can press the Night button on my Master Bed keypad and this program sees that and updates the $Night variable, but the Exterior Lights and Front deck rope lights scenes don't run. 

Make sure you clear your Java cache and the firmware and UI matches.

Did you try saving your program again? Simply click on a line, hit update and save.

Also run the "then" section to see if that work. 


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41 minutes ago, marvel said:

Nothing has changed in the home beyond the ISY upgrade. PLM hasn't been moved in years, no new things plugged in anywhere in the home. 

While I can see that you look at the possible noise issue being related to something new many reports lately have found that old devices fail and suddenly cause noise in the powerline system. So even though you say nothing's been added it doesn't have to be something new introduced to the system. Any old appliances, chargers, "wall-warts", or anything can go bad and cause the noise issue.

Another thing to check is the program summary tab. Do those programs show up a different color (I believe it's yellow)? Do the programs show last run time or next scheduled runtime? There were some strange program issues in the upgrade from 4.x to 5.x that some programs need to be edited or simply just saved again for them to work right. 


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I believe I've resolved the problem with everyone's help, thank you.

I started this evening's troubleshooting by power cycling the ISY, hoping for a quick fix. It didn't come back, so I power cycled both the ISY and the PLM. The PLM came back quickly but the ISY didn't, just a power LED and nothing else. I tried the reset button and no activity on the other LEDs. I also noted the power LED was noticeably dimmer than usual... so I swapped out the power supply.

That brought the ISY back to life but my programs still only half-worked. Java cache was cleared, UI confirmed updated, firmware & UI matches. I pulled event log data for MrBill and wrote this:

MrBill: Here's the event data you requested. The first log at 09:11:38pm is a manual triggering of the Exterior Lights scene (14 devices) on and back off from the ISY console. This works flawlessly every time I run it. The second log at 09:15:08 is a manual triggering of the Then path of the "Night on" program I opened this post with. The program still only sort-of works; the "Exterior Lights" and "Front Deck Rope Lights" scenes do not trigger, but other commands do.

Before I hit Reply I did some more investigating and found the Front Deck Rope Lights module seems to have fallen off the network. ISY can't talk to it at all. I haven't gone outside to investigate it yet, but I removed it from the programs in question and now they work fine. Usually when a module is offline everything else works great and in fact the scenes don't seem to mind at all, but for some reason the programs did mind. 

Anyway, I've triggered the night scene back and forth more times than I can count tonight, 14 responding devices controlling a cascade of over 100 bulbs. The neighbors probably think I've gone mad, but everything seems to be working well again (save for those rope lights, which I'll figure out tomorrow).

Thanks again.

ISY-Events-Log.v5.0.16C__Thu 2022.05.05 09.11.38 PM.txt ISY-Events-Log.v5.0.16C__Thu 2022.05.05 09.15.08 PM.txt

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8 hours ago, marvel said:

14 responding devices controlling a cascade of over 100 bulbs.

That's quite a display!


8 hours ago, marvel said:

It didn't come back, so I power cycled both the ISY and the PLM.

Keep in mind when power cycling these devices that the PLM must be online first.  Plug it in and wait 30 seconds before plugging in the ISY.  Some people might put a label on the PLM (I saw one in an ebay picture.. haha) that says "Plug in and wait 30 seconds then plug in ISY".

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