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Mutually exclusive buttons


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I have a set of 5 buttons on an 8-button Keypadlinc set as a mutually exclusive group. For some reason, button A remains constantly lit regardless of the status of the other buttons.


Is there any way to make button A behave the same as the rest in the group?

- Dave

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Hi Dave,


Unfortunately not that I have been able to configure. Button A is the load on an 8 button KPL and although it works in grouping (i.e. turning a sub button can turn it on) but mutually exclusive buttons cannot turn it off. The best solution is to use a scene and change the on level to 2% (0 does not work) for each one of the buttons for which you wish mutual exclusivity.


With kind regards,


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I'm not using the dimmer in the KPL, so I can easily add it and set it to off in other scenes.


Are you saying that if I set it to 2% in my other scenes, the key's backlighting will turn off?


Also - I have KPL button A set to trigger a scene. If I add it as a responder to other scenes (with the intention of controlling the button backlight), will those scenes the control the dimmer or the scene that KPL A is set to control? The later would obviously be a problem.

- Dave

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Hi Dave,


This procedure is only for the following condition:

1. Button A is in the same scene as some other button (say button C) from the SAME KPL

2. You wish to have button A turn OFF when button C (on the SAME KPL) is turned on


For all other scenes for which Button A is a responder (and as long as the controller is not on the same KPL) you can do as you would with any other device.


I hope this makes sense.


With kind regards,




I'm not using the dimmer in the KPL, so I can easily add it and set it to off in other scenes.


Are you saying that if I set it to 2% in my other scenes, the key's backlighting will turn off?


Also - I have KPL button A set to trigger a scene. If I add it as a responder to other scenes (with the intention of controlling the button backlight), will those scenes the control the dimmer or the scene that KPL A is set to control? The later would obviously be a problem.

- Dave

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I understand what you're saying, but I'm not sure that it's answering my question. I did some more testing and fooling around today so let me see if I can explain myself more clearly.


First, all of my dimming and scenes are executing the way I want them to. The only thing I'm having problems with is the backlighting of button A on the KPL.


I have an 8-button KPL and I want each of the buttons to control a scene. Five of the buttons (including A) are in a mutually exclusive group. The way I would like the backlight of the buttons to work is for one backlight to be lit at a time, depending on which scene is currently in use.


I do not have any load connected to the KPL dimmer and it currently is not included as a responder in any scene. KPL A is set to Non-Toggle On and is in the mutually-exclusive group mentioned above.


The problem I am having is that the backlight of button A seems to have a mind of its own. It does not behave as though it is part of the mutually exclusive group. If I press A multiple times in succession it toggles the backlight on and off, even though the lighting scene doesn't change.


I tried adding KPL A as a responder in scenes controlled by the other buttons, setting it to both 0% and 2%, but neither of these values cause the backlight to turn off.


Does that make more sense? Is there something I'm doing wrong?

- Dave

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