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Purchased NS wont show up in AC


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Right now, all of those have their own authentication credentials.  The default for PG3 is admin/admin unless you've changed it.  While these are the same values as the default for the Polisy, they are not linked in any way.

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I had changed it the admin password.  The changed password does not work - nor does admin.

After I did the push button reset of credentials, PG2 followed the Polisy password and allows me access.

How can I reset the PG3 password?

Edited by khowell
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  • 3 weeks later...

Above, when posting about not being able to get PG3 NS (in my case, Ecobee) to load into IoP, I'm experiencing this 401 problem, too.  When I inspect the log in the PG3 Ecobee node, it shows that it is reading the information and posting it into the PG3 node names / addresses from my Ecobee web site.  The values show in the node data within the log.  Logging into IoP and PG3, I use the same ol' default admin/admin and they always log in just fine.  ISY Portal is the only app that uses a different uid/pw. I use my email address and a unique password when I log into ISY Portal.  ISY Portal shows Ecobee in the network services tab on the IoP.  The single node name 'Ecobee Controller' is in the IoP slot 1 of the NS, but when I select "add all" from the NS server tab on the Ecobee entry, nothing happens.  When I try to configure any of the other Ecobee nodes, that's when I get the little 401 pop-up window in the middle of the IoP screen.   If anyone can connect enough dots to make an additional recommendation for remedying this, much appreciation.


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Yes, I'm continuing to have the problem I submitted the ticket on.  That is, I cannot install Ecobee node server on IoP.  Oddly enough, there is one NS in slot 1 that shows up:  Ecobee Controller.  But, it doesn't appear to be doing anything.  All of the other Ecobee node names are also listed in the Node Server dropdown.  Your email response is that the username/password for this IoP isn't correct, followed by some log entries.  in that log it references the node n001_rs_8jz8 as not being authorized on the IoP.  I double-checked the credentials on IoP and PG3, they're the same, and I can log into each separately.  That node is a room temperature sensor and the log shows a value of 75.3 deg F.  so that part is working.  This post, above, was sent after reading all treads re 401, all threads about sync'ing IoP and PG3, everything I could find on installing NS on PG3 and all the wikki info (yes, I did spend all day Sunday on this).   But it is highly probable that I'm just not doing it right.  So, I am looking for more clues because prior to Saturday, I'd never installed a NS on anything, hadn't touched my Polisy before (though I've had it on LAN for about a year) and had a very steep learning curve to get from my PG2->PG3 and retrieve/ configure my very first node server, the Ecobee ($$). 



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Currently, the system has a number of different accounts/passwords none are linked so you have to manually get them all set, which can make the set up confusing.

IoP has a username and password

PG3 has a username and password

Portal has a username and password.

Those three accounts are independent but the components do have dependencies.  When you configure PG3, you have to configure the ISY that it will communicate with.  This is set in the PG3 ISY's -> Edit Current ISY menu.  Make sure the proper IoP IP address, IoP username, and IoP password are configured here.

If PG3 shows the Ecobee node server installed in one of it's slots, delete that and re-install it.

If that doesn't work, post or send me via PM the PG3 log file (from PG3 menu Log->download log)

And FYI, when using PG2 or PG3, those programs are what manages the node servers installed on the ISY.  You won't need to use the Admin Console's Node Server menu to add nodes.  

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Hey Bob, I've attached the log file for the PG3.  Thanks for looking at this. I started out Sunday using the PG3's ISY's -> Edit Current ISY to sync  IOP/PG3.  Thanks for having a look see at this log.


Edit: File removed


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It looks like you've tried a couple of different things, but the ISY configuration in PG3 isn't correct.   

When you do a Help -> About from the admin console you get something like this:


What shows up for My URL is what you need to configure PG3's current ISY IP with.  That will look something like:



The ISY on Polisy (IoP) port number is 8080 (or 8443 for secure http)

PG2's port number is 80 (or 443 for secure http)

PG3's port number is 3000

For IoP, you should only use secure http (port 8443) if you have a valid SSL certificate, issued by a recognized certificate authority. 


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