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Small bug in ISY software


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I have a routine that emails me if my sprinkler is shut down during the spring/summer.

The email had a typo in it which I corrected.  But the routine that sends the email still sends the typo.  I'm not sure if this is just a buffer that needs to be refreshed or if the actual old content of the email is part of the program.

Here is the code



This is the content of the email as of now.  It's been this way for a couple of weeks


But this is the email that I get


The typo was in the customized email when I wrote it and when I added it to the program but it was corrected a few weeks ago.



Version info is



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52 minutes ago, MarkJames said:

This is the content of the email as of now.  It's been this way for a couple of weeks

So you changed the actual content in the custom notification? If you go to the Configuration -> Emails/Notifications -> Customizations tab then click on the area for "Customized Content" it should open up the actual message that it is sending. Make sure you fixed the typo in there. Either the notification didn't change if you had it specific to a device rather than a node variable.

It appears that your typo is in the email account setup itself.  It's showing a from "Spriniler System". That is more than likely an email system issue. 

What is shown in your "SMTP Settings" area? 


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I think the problem is the from address line, which we can't see from your screenshots.

Double click the Customized Content in the admin console. take a look at the from line of the Window that pops up. the format in that box is supposed to be Name:email@example.com with the : being an important separator between two fields.  Also Please note: After you click OK to close that dialog box, YOU MUST ALSO press the save button at the bottom of the window that opened it.

Personally when i was using email for notifications I always left the FROM line on the individualized content blank to accept the server default.  You need to be careful with the Second part (after the colon) of that field.  Many spammers use that to alter the displayed from address... likewise in 2022 if the from specified there and the actual account don't match your email can get flagged as spam.

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