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Can't update NSs that have moved from Production to Non-Production

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Just discovered that one of my NSs that was originally installed from the Production store will no longer update after a restart. Just stops and can't be started. I found that the NS had been moved to the Non-Production store. All I could do was delete it and reinstall from the Non-Production store. I have a couple more NSs that have also been moved. Is there a way to get the version from the Non-Production store without having to delete and reinstall. Would save having to reconfigure the NSs.



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With the current version of PG3, node servers in different stores are considered different node servers.  To switch between stores you'd have delete the original and re-install from the other store.   This also means that a license purchased for a node server in one store is NOT valid for the same node server in another store.

So basically should not purchase a node server from the non-production store and probably not install from the non-production store unless the developer asks you to.

This will change in a future release of PG3 where the same node server can be added to multiple stores and the license for one will then be value for the same node server in other stores. 

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