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Admin Console: unable to use the GUI that you get with start.jnlp

Go to solution Solved by Geddy,

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I am having same problem!

And I am unable to use the GUI that you get with start.jnlp to set my Zwave device parameters.

I was using the admin GUI admin.jnlp for this.  I would really like to have the admin GUi back!


I have tried uninstall and reinstall of Java 64 Version 8 sub 351 on my Windows 10 Pro machine, including all of the recommended actions on Java config.




It's the same thing!  unless you are selecting Dashboard from Finder.   You must select either of the Admin Console selections:


(cloud is faster but either should work).


Moved from prior location as was new issue.

Was attached to this post: https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/37031-after-so-many-years-still-cant-connect-to-isy/

@cdave1252 where did you get that version of Java? The current general Java version is 8 update 341 (https://www.java.com/en/download/) - you mentioned you have 351 (maybe just a typo).

Seems like something is not correct with the Java install. And then you're not using the ISY Launcher to correctly get the icon on the desktop.

I would suggest completely removing Java (yes, again). This time be sure to remove it using Windows control panel -> programs and features -> uninstall. If you run other versions of Java then you need to download the app to remove old versions (found here: https://www.java.com/en/download/help/remove_olderversions.html).

After you remove Java do a search on your computer for any *.jnlp files. REMOVE all old copies of admin.jnlp and/or start.jnlp that you might have (either in the download directory or in temporary locations). We've seen users attempt to use old files they thought worked for the current Firmware and it causes issues. Best to download a fresh copy every time you need to add the ISY Launcher icon back.

Once you've removed all Java versions and deleted any old UDI files reboot the computer.

Download Java (linked above).

Download a fresh version of ISY Launcher

Run start.jnlp (ISY Launcher file downloaded)

Accept Java warnings

Accept Windows firewall warnings

You should now have an ISY Launcher icon on your desktop that looks like this:



If your ISY does not appear in the ISY Finder window once opened then you need to confirm the ISY is online. Log into your router and confirm the ISY is connected to the same network your PC is in. Make note of the IP address seen on the router. Manually add the IP address: http://your.isy.ip/desc

From there you should have what @MrBill posted above. 



Posted (edited)


Thank you for your prompt reply! 

Yes I had a typo.... java is Update 341.

Model: ISY 994i 256
Platform: ISY-C-994
Version: 5.3.4

I followed your detailed cleaning and install instructions in seqeunce including reboot.

I also installed the 32bit version Java as techman suggested. (after installing the 64 bit version)

After saving the start.jnlp file on my desktop, and clicking on it,   I still get the same error, as shown in the attached files of my last posting.... "Unable to load resource.... isy.jnlp"

I notice that the icon for start.jnlp  is different from yours (see attached screenshot).

Note that I can use Firefox for this URL:  https://x.y.z.t/WEB/udajax.htm   and this displays the generic menu for my ISY installation (see attached).  I wish this had the full features I see using the admin version.

FYI, I during all this I keep my Kaspersky IS disabled as well as the VPN.

I checked my system memory and notice   Path=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath....  and   ...C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath...

I explored this directory and found various java executables... all dated with today's installation

Regards, Dave



Edited by cdave1252


All of this is the point I was trying to make in this thread (which has now been closed by UD)...

Eventually we all solve the problems, but often after hours of knocking our heads against the wall.  I really don't understand why UD hasn't provided a non-Java and otherwise standard and less problem-prone application for ISY.

Thanks to those who replies with assistance on that thread. I cant reply there as it is been closed.

14 hours ago, cdave1252 said:

FYI, I during all this I keep my Kaspersky IS disabled as well as the VPN.

This was going to be my next question. If Virus and Firewalls are turned off. If your VPN is off are you still able to access websites? This error appears to be a Java issue that cannot reach the external source to complete setup of the ISY Launcher icon. The "unable to load resource" is commonly found on google searches to mean the computer cannot reach the web (due to DNS issues). 

If you are able to access the web with your VPN turned off and you've gone through all the steps above then I would open a support ticket as you've attempted the usual troubleshooting steps to get on the right path again. Perhaps they have other tricks to try. Either way, please update once resolved so that it might help others in the future. 

Submit a Ticket:       https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets
Email:                        support@universal-devices.com


14 hours ago, cdave1252 said:

Note that I can use Firefox for this URL:  https://x.y.z.t/WEB/udajax.htm

As you said this is a generic web interface/dashboard of types and isn't what you're looking for. Since the inception of the ISY Launcher process (introduced in 2018) there's no need to have a browser open to try to access admin console. 


9 hours ago, ccclapp said:

All of this is the point I was trying to make in this thread (which has now been closed by UD)

@ccclapp, I understand your point. It appears the reason that thread was closed was because you never came back to update the status and others were tagging onto it with same, but different issues. So to avoid the thread issues it was closed. If you're still having issues please send me a PM and I will re-open that thread so you can update in there. Otherwise, let's try to help @cdave1252 with their issues.

It's certainly a small minority of comments about not being able to get the system to work as expected. So I would have to say for a very large majority of users the system works as designed. 


  • Solution
14 hours ago, cdave1252 said:

I notice that the icon for start.jnlp  is different from yours (see attached screenshot).

That's an interesting difference. I just downloaded start.jnlp from my link above and moved it to the desktop. My icon appears like this:



If you right click on your icon and select "open with" what program is the default for you?

I show the following for mine:



The icon you're looking for is the ISY Launcher. That's only added to the desktop once the start.jnlp successfully runs. It appears that's still the issue you're facing. I've not seen an issue of having to specifically have the 64 or 32 bit versions of Java. Either seem to run the .jnlp just fine.

I just tested on a computer that I've never used to access admin console. I removed Java as outlined above (man, my son is going to hate me if his Minecraft won't load right after this). I then went to java.com and downloaded what was offered up as default when I clicked on "download java". Installed it. Downloaded ISY Launcher. And it ran without issue. 

I don't have any Antivirus, Firewall (other than Windows Firewall) or VPN running on that computer. So I suspect even though Kaspersky is "disabled" and your VPN (being off) are still blocking the necessary traffic for Java to communicate with the resources needed to properly add the ISY Launcher to the desktop. 


Posted (edited)

Guys:  It shouldn't be this difficult!

Why cant we simply enter the ISY IP address in our browsers and log into the device interface, as we can with EVERY other network device. 

The comment was made above that these problems are rare.  I don't think that's correct.  More likely people are accustomed to a certain amount of head-banging to get set up or re-set up as this is a DYI device and users.

We could start a poll on that question ;-)

Edited by ccclapp

Re my Kaspersky Internet Security, I originally merely disabled it ("Pause Protection"). 

BUT it turns out that parts of Kaspersky were still running, and this was blocking this critical part of Java traffic from UD.

After SHUTTING DOWN Kaspersky completely, the start.jnlp worked PERFECTLY.

I am now able to execute the Admin Console (LAN) AOK.


Something has changed in Kaspersky IS that makes this bad thing happen.  I will need to figure out how to fix that!

I closed my ticket and ma very impressed with the help I got here in this forum, as well as the UD tech support folks!


  • Like 2
8 minutes ago, ccclapp said:

The comment was made above that these problems are rare.  I don't think that's correct.  More likely people are accustomed to a certain amount of head-banging to get set up or re-set up as this is a DYI device and users.

I have to disagree, the problems are rare.  Yes there are a number of threads here in the forum that illustrate the problem, when it occurs.  But there are also 10 million other times that the problem didn't occur, people don't post about that tho. 

I agree that it's frustrating when java problems occur.  You can read about the single time it happened to me here, but other than that single event I open the admin console across multiple ISY's many times everyday and other than that one time... I never struggle. 


  • Like 2
53 minutes ago, cdave1252 said:

I am now able to execute the Admin Console (LAN) AOK.

Something has changed in Kaspersky IS that makes this bad thing happen.  I will need to figure out how to fix that!

Excellent! Glad it worked out!

Yes, Kaspersky can be a doozy sometimes. I quit using their products about 15 years ago for similar reasons (long before I was using ISY). I'm sure there's probably a way to approve the app to run in Kaspersky, but couldn't help with that without some Google searches so I'll let you check on that. My only other suggestion would be to remove it from your system and get something like ESET anti-virus. As long as you're not specifically going to sketchy places Windows 10 (and I think Win11) do a fairly good job of blocking attacks and scanning for viruses. 



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