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No programs will run after reboot - IOP 5.4.4


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Something strange is going on with my IOP 5.4.4

Yesterday I rebooted Polisy. After this, I noticed that no programs were running. Manual control of lights and scenes from the Main page of the Admin Console works normally. Today I began investigating further. Here is what I am seeing:

1. I verified that There are no Folder Permissions blocking. I added and removed a permission criteria just to be sure. I also tried re-saving many programs.

2. After ISY reboot, the summary page is showing that "Run at Startup" programs were never run.

3. I created a simple Turn on light, Wait 10 seconds, Turn off light program. If I Run Then, the Last Run Time is logged on the summary page, The activity shows "Running Then", The light never lights, and, 23 minutes later, the program is still shown as running.

4. Strange observation. After rebooting ISY, all of my programs were in Idle state. I created the test program above and did the Run Then of this program at 5:58:30. While I was watching, another program that I have set to trigger every hour (0. Announce the hour trigger) automatically changed state to "Running Then" at 06:01:10. This simple program now shows running, did NOT perform its task, and it is also not showing as completing.

It appears that the scheduling part of ISY programs appears to be working but the actual engine that executes the code is stopped. Is anyone else seeing this type of behavior? I looked for some type of error log in Polisy but didn't find any that seemed to log program execution.

4. Another program appears to start but doesn't complete.jpg

1. No folder permissions set.jpg

2. No programs run at startup.jpg

3. Simple test program that doesn't work.jpg

3a. Test Program still running after 23 minutes.jpg

Edited by gviliunas
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@tazmanJust to close the loop. My programs were still not working after 24Hr so I submitted a ticket. Michel responded in his usual amazingly short time:

"Programs will start running only after the initial query. So, I suspect that you have node servers (or devices) that could not be queried after the reboot." 

This led me to look at my PG3 Wireless Tag NS log where I found a string of interface errors. From the Admin console top node of the Wireless Tag NS, I toggled monitor tags off and on, clicked "Discover", and then clicked Reboot Tag Manager. ISY then popped-up a progress bar and began its query. After this, my programs, and system, were all running normally.

Can't beat UDI Support!!!

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Early on I also tried disabling all NS (in 3 polyglots) but this didn't seem to do anything.

I only made progress when I went to the top node of the Wireless Tag NS in the admin console and toggled Monitor Tag off and on then Reboot Tag Manager, then Discover. I am not sure if one of these or the combination caused the Please Wait pop-up to appear from the admin console and everything began to work.

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