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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×

Admin Console will not start

Go to solution Solved by Geddy,

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Suddenly Admin Console is not loading.  Worked yesterday and as far as I know, I did not change anything.  My Isy 994i is working.  I can reach it through the Isy Portal or by putting in the direct network address.

I have followed the directions in this forum to clear my Java cache and I have re-downloaded the Isy Launcher.  When I run the Launcher the ISY Finder comes up and immediately finds the Isy.  If I click on the Admin Console (Lan) nothing happens, except the iSY Finder window ceases to work.

Any thoughts besides what is already posted in these forums?

Posted (edited)

Does the computer you are using to access the admin console have access to the internet?  If so try "Admin Console (Cloud)"  The difference is where the admin console is downloaded from, Launcher gets a fresh copy every time it is started via Finder.   The cloud version will generally be faster when a 994i is in play.   The reason is the Java requires a secure connection to d/l the admin console... 994's don't have much processing power and take awhile to encrypt the file have the keys have been negotiated.  

Another suggestion is you may have a firewall issue, try disabling in firewalls.

@DJonas another question:  is this Mac or Windows?  If Mac you may wish to just download admin.jnlp from your ISY and place it on the desktop.   Just remember you need to delete that and clear your java cache when you update ISY firmware.   http://ip.of.the.isy/admin.jnlp  save the file on the desktop.  You must replace ip.of.the.isy with the actual local network ip numbers that you are seeing in the finder window.

Edited by MrBill

I am running a PC.  Windows 11.  No changes on this machine from when it was last running correctly.  I can start the ISY Finder.  I can select Admin Console Lan or CLoud and nothing happens.  If I select Dashboard, it loads.

If I put http://ip.of.my.isy/admin.jnlp into my browser, I get a slightly different Finder window.  Nothing in that window is selectable, but it does have the ISY information in it.  I'm finding it pretty frustrating that accessing the ISY Admin Console has suddenly become difficult.

I'm not sure what else to do.


@DJonas What version of Java are you running? ISY Launcher typically works best with the basic Java downloaded from java.com. 

Current version is: Version 8 Update 341

If you're not on that version or have a different version installed then please use the java removal tool to remove all java installs on the computer. Download the 64bit Java 8 update 341 directly from java.com. 


  • Solution

@DJonas how old is the ISY994? Have you ever had power supply issues? What's the light pattern on the front of the ISY? And if you're willing to power cycle it again watch the light pattern when it starts up. 


Since dashboard loads it seems to be getting to the device on the network. 

Leads me to think it's computer related or else power related and the draw on power to load the admin console might be causing the issue. 

Before trying anything else post a screenshot of what you see when you load admin.jnlp admin console. You say above it shows ISY information, but nothing is selectable. Feel free to blur out personal info. 

Also, be sure you check Firmware and UI in the Help -> About menu (is that even selectable?

Next steps I would suggest are:

  1. Clear Java Cache (yes, again). Be sure you select all three boxes in the process
  2. Refer to this wiki article to remove .state files - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#Admin_Console_Minimized/Invisible_and_Cannot_be_Restored   
    (***NEW STEP you might not have done before!***)
  3. Delete ALL start.jnlp or admin.jnlp files downloaded ANYWHERE on your computer
  4. download a fresh start.jnlp version from UDI - https://isy.universal-devices.com/start.jnlp
  5. Run start.jnlp
  6. Should put fresh ISY Launcher icon on desktop
  7. Run Launcher - Try Admin Console (Cloud)



Make sure when you run ISY Launcher that it opens the "ISY Finder" window that looks similar to this:

Launcher Menu.png


Report back with what happens. 



Geddy, thanks, that worked.  The only difference I can tell from previous attempts is the deletion of the files in step 2.

My next question is....what occurred that made this a problem?

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10 minutes ago, DJonas said:

My next question is....what occurred that made this a problem?

"This is usually related Admin Console state files not being updated properly and especially in case of multi monitors." 

Does this apply?

If not, sometimes Java just gets "stupid" and doesn't handle resizing the window right or just changing things up. Nothing really triggered it (IMO). But I've seen this as the option to fixing. 

When you said loading from admin.jnlp opened a different finder and nothing was selectable it triggered it might be a .state file issue.

Glad it helped and worked! 

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I run multiple monitors on a different computer, but I don't recall accessing the Admin Console from that computer.  The computer I use to access Admin Console is a laptop.

I don't think I would have ever found the "state files".  The Universal Devices Wiki is incredible but an easy place to get lost for me.  A ton of information.

The ISY is great.  Unfortunately, it is driving a lot of Insteon devices, but I am hoping for the new group over there restore Insteon options and issues (mostly replacement PLM's).  I think that is my current Achilles Heel.

Again, thanks!!  I marked the post as the solution.  Hope it helps others.


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