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three way switch setup

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is a z-wave three way switch controlled by isy the same way as an insteon three way switch? Can I follow the isy setup instructions for an insteon three way switch for a z-wave three way switch? I looked but do did not find z-wave three way isy instructions for z-wave...

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I don't know much about Insteon but I have various ZWave 3-ways. It used to be that for ZWave 3-ways you needed the main switch and special auxiliary switches. Nowadays there several manufacturers that allow you to have a 3-way (or 4-way)  using a Zwave as main switch and using your existing Non-Zwave (plain old switch) as secondary. It may involve some wiring redirecting depending on where your Line, Load, Neutral are.

I had a situation where the Line and the Neutral of an existing 3-way were in different wall boxes, so it was bit complicated but it worked.

Of course you can also create a ISY program that works like a 3-way..... IF A is ON THEN B is ON;  IF B is ON THEN A is ON, and same for OFF.

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@CandC Z-wave and Insteon are very different technologies. One of the main advantages of Insteon over z-wave is the way that Insteon supports scenes (groups of devices). z-wave doesn't do this very well. Every z-wave manufacturer has their own way of implementing scenes if they support it at all. And to make things even more confusing in z-wave, product to product from the same manufacturer can implement scenes in different ways.

Insteon makes scenes easy in comparison.

As @asbril said, most of the time with z-wave devices you end up having to write programs to simulate an Insteon scene, but it is usually possible.


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Thanks! The switches are three way ready, whatever that means... I will try asbril's suggestion writing an ISY program...

(If someone could post an actual example of a three way z-wave switch isy program, it would be highly appreciated...)

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