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No UUID for Polisy on start.jnlp


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@JHardy are you able to log into the ISY on Polisy process?  If so please let us know what firmware and UI show

This is what I currently show for mine:


I believe there was a past issue that an update messed up the UUID and either a power cycle or another update process corrected the situation. But let's start to confirm that you can access IoP. Even though it doesn't show the proper UUID does it show the ISY process and firmware in the finder window?

Next, can you access the web dashboard of PG3? (http://polity:3000 or http://#.#.#.#:3000 replace #s with the actual IP of your Polisy).

What is the version showing on the web dashboard?

Again, mine is currently:



If you are able to log into admin console go to the Configuration tab and click "Reboot" in the "Polisy System Settings" area. This should close the admin console and reboot the Polisy. You will hear a few beeps on the Polisy as it reboots. 


Please allow a lot of time to pass before attempting to access Polyglot or IoP again. If you can see your Polisy make sure the left LED is solid before you attempt to access anything again.


One other comment - have you attempted to clear the Java cache and download a fresh version of start.jnlp from the wiki and/or Universal Devices site? https://isy.universal-devices.com/start.jnlp
(Make sure you remove any old downloads of start.jnlp or admin.jnlp that might exist on the computer....ANYWHERE!) If the above reboot doesn't push the UUID to IoX Finder then clearing Java and new download of IoX Launcher might help.

Let us know what happens after this.


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Thanks for the quick response

Attached are screenshots of the versions of the firmware/UI and web interfaces.

I seem to be able to access everything ok.  I did remove all start.jnlp/admin.jnlp, cleared cache etc. still showing the same as you can see from the attached. redownloaded start.jnlp and same behaviour



Screenshot 2022-12-03 at 6.37.50 PM.png

Screenshot 2022-12-03 at 6.35.02 PM.png

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I noticed that the UUID is showing in the web portal along with the iSY994i but it's not registered.  I have paid for the license and clicked on the 'manage modules' in the admin console but doesn't seem to connect so can't launch the web interface from the web portal...if that makes sense!?



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When the Polisy reports a uuid of 00:00:00:00:00:01 or something like that, it means that some component of the Polisy didn't start or is missing. 

You can attempt to run the "Upgrade Packages" option from the admin console another time (or two) to see if it corrects it. The process can take a while (like 20+ minutes) so don't start an upgrade process and then reboot/power cycle the Polisy shortly there after.

If you can't get the upgrade process to run or running a twice doesn't fix the issue, you'll have to enter a support ticket at support@universaldevices.com

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Quick update:

Michael has been very helpful but at the end of the day it seems I'm running on an old OS and need to get a new SSD - which I've ordered and should receive on Friday.

So, not resolved yet but in progress.

I'll update when I receive/install.

Current symptoms include:

- No UUID on IoX

- Cannot save timezone/location so getting 12am 12am Sunrise/Set

- Cannot link the Polisy to the Portal

I'm sure there are a couple of other things but those are the primary symptoms.

I'll be back!


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Quick Update:

New SSD received and installed.

All is now working. Above issues are now resolved

However, one question.  When Polisy connected to the ISY994i, in PG3 dashboard it shows all node servers from the ISY994i but in an unmanaged state.  Some of these are no longer used and seem to be an old polyglot none server entries so I may have expected them in the PG2 (Depricated) dashboard but not PG3.  I can't find a way to remove them so they're taking slots that I want to reclaim.

See attached.




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PG3 queries the ISY/IoX device for the node servers installed on the device.  It then compares those with what it has in it's own database of installed node servers.

If it doesn't find the node server in it's database, then it assumes something else installed the node server on the ISY/IoX device and marks it as "Unmanaged".

The node servers have to be deleted from the ISY/IoP to free up the slots. That can only be done by the same polyglot that installed them or by deleting them manually using the node server menu on the Admin Console.

For node servers that were installed by PG3 before you replaced the SSD, you should be able to go through the node server store and re-install them to the same slot.

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Thanks.  I installed when polyglot cloud was active so tried through admin console.  Your advice worked for those that had an ip of 192.xx.xx.xx which is my current config but not for those that were added on a network with 10.xx.xx.xx ... I get a socket timeout message

Is there a manual way of removing?



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