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EISY migration issue (failure to run)

Go to solution Solved by sjenkins,

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@Javi I did do that the first time (had to do it with all my ns coming over).

I just did it again.  Also have done both a restart of pg3x and then a restart of whole eisy.

Same error with the issue.  I don't have much in the way of programming for this ns so I am ok to delete and install in a different spot or anything else to "play" with it.

Let me know ; I'll leave it stopped for now.


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17 hours ago, Javi said:

Great.  Maybe migration related?

Looks like it.  I think as long as people have a list of things to try we can get everyone through this.  No doubt by deleting I reset something ; maybe didn't need to change slots.  Thanks again for your updates.

Today I have been into my z-wave migration so it was good to have a base system which was working as before.


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