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5.5.4 Update will kill the LifX PG3 NS (1/19/2023)

Go to solution Solved by kzboray,

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This has been resolved. Use the following to install the necessary bitstring dependency on Polisy

sudo -u polyglot bash
pip3 uninstall bitstring
pip3 uninstall --prefix /var/polyglot/.local bitstring
pip3 install --prefix /var/polyglot/.local bitstring==3.1.9

Use the following for the eisy

sudo -u polyglot bash
pip3 uninstall bitstring
pip3 uninstall --prefix /var/polyglot/pg3/ns/0021b9026038_7/.local bitstring
pip3 install --prefix /var/polyglot/pg3/ns/0021b9026038_7/.local bitstring==3.1.9


If you rely on the LifX NS you may want to hold off on updating to 5.5.4 until a fix is found for the NS's failure to discover devices after update.

@xKing suggested patch:

sudo -u polyglot bash
pip3 uninstall bitstring
pip3 install bitstring==3.1.9

Unfortunately this did not work on Polysi.

Edited by kzboray
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9 minutes ago, garybixler said:

@asbrilHave you checked the LiFX solution in the LiFX forum. I just go mine working again on the eisy.

Are you referring to this ? And if so, (excuse my ignorance) is that in Windows-Run-cmd ?


sudo -u polyglot bash
pip3 uninstall bitstring
pip3 install bitstring==3.1.9
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5 minutes ago, asbril said:

Thanks !!!!! But, again, excuse my ignorance....  I do that in windows CMD ? Is 


   generic or must I look to something specific in my own setup ?

That's the IoX's uuid '_' slot number so it would be specific to your setup.

From the eisy's ssh command line you can do 

ls -l /var/polyglot/pg3/ns

 to see how each installed node server is represented.

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1 minute ago, bpwwer said:

That's the IoX's uuid '_' slot number so it would be specific to your setup.

From the eisy's ssh command line you can do 

ls -l /var/polyglot/pg3/ns

 to see how each installed node server is represented.

Thanks so much to both of you but this goes beyond my expertise and I am worried that I may mess up something. Should I expect that this issue will be adressed in an upgrade of the Node Server ?

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I tried anyway but no success. This is what shows :

s: admin
Keyboard-interactive authentication prompts from server:
| Password for admin@eisy:
End of keyboard-interactive prompts from server
Last login: Fri Jan 20 13:06:36 2023 from yogac740141ml.lan
FreeBSD 13.1-RELEASE-p5 #7 releng/13.1-n250174-753d65a19a55-dirty: Sun Dec  4 06:58:17 UTC 2022     root@bsdev.isy.io:/usr/obj/usr/src/amd64.amd64/sys/eisy
Welcome to

            eeeeeeeeeeee   iiiiiii     ssssssssssyyyyyyy           yyyyyyy
          ee::::::::::::ee i:::::i   ss::::::::::sy:::::y         y:::::y
         e::::::eeeee:::::eei::::i ss:::::::::::::sy:::::y       y:::::y
        e::::::e     e:::::ei::::i s::::::ssss:::::sy:::::y     y:::::y
        e:::::::eeeee::::::ei::::i  s:::::s  ssssss  y:::::y   y:::::y
        e:::::::::::::::::e i::::i    s::::::s        y:::::y y:::::y
        e::::::eeeeeeeeeee  i::::i       s::::::s      y:::::y:::::y
        e:::::::e           i::::i ssssss   s:::::s     y:::::::::y
        e::::::::e         i::::::is:::::ssss::::::s     y:::::::y
         e::::::::eeeeeeee i::::::is::::::::::::::s       y:::::y
          ee:::::::::::::e i::::::i s:::::::::::ss       y:::::y
            eeeeeeeeeeeeee iiiiiiii  sssssssssss        y:::::y

If you're not a geek, you should not be here!!! Please contact us at support@universal-devices.com.
Otherwise, enjoy your eisy session!
[admin@eisy ~]$ sudo -u polyglot bash
[polyglot@eisy /usr/home/admin]$ pip3 uninstall bitstring
WARNING: Skipping bitstring as it is not installed.
[polyglot@eisy /usr/home/admin]$ pip3 install bitstring==3.1.9
Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable
Collecting bitstring==3.1.9
  Using cached bitstring-3.1.9-py3-none-any.whl (38 kB)
Installing collected packages: bitstring
Successfully installed bitstring-3.1.9
[polyglot@eisy /usr/home/admin]$ ls -l /var/polyglot/pg3/ns
total 39
drwxrwx---  10 0021b902606b_11  polyglot  26 Jan 19 20:45 0021b902606b_11
drwxrwx---   7 0021b902606b_16  polyglot  21 Jan 19 17:48 0021b902606b_16
drwxrwx---   8 0021b902606b_2   polyglot  26 Jan 19 20:46 0021b902606b_2
drwxrwx---   8 0021b902606b_21  polyglot  29 Jan 18 20:30 0021b902606b_21
drwxrwx---   8 0021b902606b_22  polyglot  29 Jan 13 15:16 0021b902606b_22
drwxrwx---   8 0021b902606b_3   polyglot  19 Jan 19 20:42 0021b902606b_3
drwxrwx---   8 0021b902606b_4   polyglot  23 Jan 20 14:52 0021b902606b_4
drwxrwx---   9 0021b902606b_5   polyglot  28 Jan 19 17:56 0021b902606b_5
drwxrwx---   9 0021b902606b_6   polyglot  22 Jan 19 20:47 0021b902606b_6
drwxrwx---   7 0021b902606b_8   polyglot  20 Jan 18 20:30 0021b902606b_8
drwxrwx---  10 0021b902606b_9   polyglot  23 Jan 18 20:30 0021b902606b_9
[polyglot@eisy /usr/home/admin]$ pip3 uninstall --prefix /var/polyglot/pg3/ns/0021b902606b_4/.local bitstring

  pip3 uninstall [options] <package> ...
  pip3 uninstall [options] -r <requirements file> ...

no such option: --prefix
[polyglot@eisy /usr/home/admin]$ pip3 install --prefix /var/polyglot/pg3/ns/0021b902606b_4/.local bitstring==3.1.9
Requirement already satisfied: bitstring==3.1.9 in /var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages (3.1.9)
[polyglot@eisy /usr/home/admin]$


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6 hours ago, asbril said:

I tried anyway but no success. This is what shows :

s: admin
Keyboard-interactive authentication prompts from server:
| Password for admin@eisy:
End of keyboard-interactive prompts from server
Last login: Fri Jan 20 13:06:36 2023 from yogac740141ml.lan
FreeBSD 13.1-RELEASE-p5 #7 releng/13.1-n250174-753d65a19a55-dirty: Sun Dec  4 06:58:17 UTC 2022     root@bsdev.isy.io:/usr/obj/usr/src/amd64.amd64/sys/eisy
Welcome to

            eeeeeeeeeeee   iiiiiii     ssssssssssyyyyyyy           yyyyyyy
          ee::::::::::::ee i:::::i   ss::::::::::sy:::::y         y:::::y
         e::::::eeeee:::::eei::::i ss:::::::::::::sy:::::y       y:::::y
        e::::::e     e:::::ei::::i s::::::ssss:::::sy:::::y     y:::::y
        e:::::::eeeee::::::ei::::i  s:::::s  ssssss  y:::::y   y:::::y
        e:::::::::::::::::e i::::i    s::::::s        y:::::y y:::::y
        e::::::eeeeeeeeeee  i::::i       s::::::s      y:::::y:::::y
        e:::::::e           i::::i ssssss   s:::::s     y:::::::::y
        e::::::::e         i::::::is:::::ssss::::::s     y:::::::y
         e::::::::eeeeeeee i::::::is::::::::::::::s       y:::::y
          ee:::::::::::::e i::::::i s:::::::::::ss       y:::::y
            eeeeeeeeeeeeee iiiiiiii  sssssssssss        y:::::y

If you're not a geek, you should not be here!!! Please contact us at support@universal-devices.com.
Otherwise, enjoy your eisy session!
[admin@eisy ~]$ sudo -u polyglot bash
[polyglot@eisy /usr/home/admin]$ pip3 uninstall bitstring
WARNING: Skipping bitstring as it is not installed.
[polyglot@eisy /usr/home/admin]$ pip3 install bitstring==3.1.9
Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable
Collecting bitstring==3.1.9
  Using cached bitstring-3.1.9-py3-none-any.whl (38 kB)
Installing collected packages: bitstring
Successfully installed bitstring-3.1.9
[polyglot@eisy /usr/home/admin]$ ls -l /var/polyglot/pg3/ns
total 39
drwxrwx---  10 0021b902606b_11  polyglot  26 Jan 19 20:45 0021b902606b_11
drwxrwx---   7 0021b902606b_16  polyglot  21 Jan 19 17:48 0021b902606b_16
drwxrwx---   8 0021b902606b_2   polyglot  26 Jan 19 20:46 0021b902606b_2
drwxrwx---   8 0021b902606b_21  polyglot  29 Jan 18 20:30 0021b902606b_21
drwxrwx---   8 0021b902606b_22  polyglot  29 Jan 13 15:16 0021b902606b_22
drwxrwx---   8 0021b902606b_3   polyglot  19 Jan 19 20:42 0021b902606b_3
drwxrwx---   8 0021b902606b_4   polyglot  23 Jan 20 14:52 0021b902606b_4
drwxrwx---   9 0021b902606b_5   polyglot  28 Jan 19 17:56 0021b902606b_5
drwxrwx---   9 0021b902606b_6   polyglot  22 Jan 19 20:47 0021b902606b_6
drwxrwx---   7 0021b902606b_8   polyglot  20 Jan 18 20:30 0021b902606b_8
drwxrwx---  10 0021b902606b_9   polyglot  23 Jan 18 20:30 0021b902606b_9
[polyglot@eisy /usr/home/admin]$ pip3 uninstall --prefix /var/polyglot/pg3/ns/0021b902606b_4/.local bitstring

  pip3 uninstall [options] <package> ...
  pip3 uninstall [options] -r <requirements file> ...

no such option: --prefix
[polyglot@eisy /usr/home/admin]$ pip3 install --prefix /var/polyglot/pg3/ns/0021b902606b_4/.local bitstring==3.1.9
Requirement already satisfied: bitstring==3.1.9 in /var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages (3.1.9)
[polyglot@eisy /usr/home/admin]$


I would love someone to tell me how I can resolve this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@bgrubb1 Bitstring is updated to version 4.x in 5.5.4 OS update. This disables LifX from working as it requires version 3.1.9. If you install the 5.5.4 update it will remove the 3.1.9 version and install the 4.x version. The solution for both the eisy and Polisy are listed in the first post.

Edited by kzboray
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30 minutes ago, kzboray said:

@bgrubb1 Bitstring is updated to version 4.x in 5.5.4 OS update. This disables LifX from working as it requires version 3.1.9. If you install the 5.5.4 update it will remove the 3.1.9 version and install the 4.x version. The solution for both the eisy and Polisy are listed in the first post.

The solution did not work for me. Even though I don't have an issue with LifX on Home Assistant,  I am giving up on LifX and replace it with (more) Kasa bulbs. 

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