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Devices have Green Flags with 1011 in them...


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I'm new to the ISY-99IR Pro as of Friday. It has been spidering my existing Insteon network and this morning I noticed it had stopped with an error (xml parse error?), and now 28 devices or buttons have green flags with 1011 in them. I am using 2.7.12. What do the flags mean and how do I fix this?

Thank you,

Paul Busby

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Someone correct me if I am wrong here. It is a new feature and is still in beta version (which you are running). I believe the 1011 indicates that there are settings that need to be sent to the insteon item in question. The beta versions at present have the ability to do batches where you change settings on multiple items and then send all at once. The 1011 would indicate that changes are in que to be sent with the next batch.

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Hello Paul,


You can right-click on each device and select Write Updates to Device or you can cycle Batch Mode On and Off to write all the changes. You will find Batch Mode in the File menu and on the Toolbar.


The XML Parse error usually occurs when the Administrative Console looses contact with the ISY.


While spidering or writing in batch mode you can close the Administrative Console and the ISY will continue working.





I'm new to the ISY-99IR Pro as of Friday. It has been spidering my existing Insteon network and this morning I noticed it had stopped with an error (xml parse error?), and now 28 devices or buttons have green flags with 1011 in them. I am using 2.7.12. What do the flags mean and how do I fix this?

Thank you,

Paul Busby

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Hi Paul,


I would ignore the XML parse error for now since it probably has to do with your firewall.


The little green arrows with 0101 mean that ISY needs to write updates to your devices but it has not been able to. This points to device communication errors: i.e. the signals do not reach the devices from the PLM.


Now, a few questions:

1. Do you have any SWL 35s installed?

2. Do you have any CFL/Halogen lights?

3. Do you have any SignaLinc RF devices (with antennae)?


With kind regards,


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1. Yes, 10 discovered by the ISY so far, dimmers, timers and relays.

2. Some, but I haven't noticed any problems with them in the past, and the ISY started communicating with the network without incident. The problems started after I upgraded to 2.7.12 and my router froze.

3. No


However, things have been reliable using local control or MControl for the most part over the past 1 1/2 years.

I fixed the router, I'm communicating with the ISY, the PLM is working.

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I moved the ISY to another location close to the breaker boxes and where I thought there would be less line noise to interfere with communications and it seems to be working. The flags appear to have gone although the administrative console has been showing the system busy for over an hour...it also appears a lot of local links have been messed up during this. I hope the ISY will restore them as it works its way through my network?

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Taking over an hour for this does not necessarily surpise me, depending on the number of devices changed, and the number of links in each device. Some single devices in my system can take five or ten minutes to write.


I you believe that moving the PLM closer to the panel has helped, I start to wonder about communication problems, as suggested by Mr Kohanin. Is your PLM normally located close to a lot of other electronic equipment, such as computers and power supplies? Are these devices filtered?

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Yes, it's located next to filtered equipment but apparently still causes problems, hence the move to a "quieter" location. It's been almost twelve hours now and it's still system busy so I'm guessing that you're correct since I have a fair number of devices and a lot of links.

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Hi PBusby,


I am a little concerned that something may not be quite right: I have never heard of 12 hours of processing!


Would you be kind enough to go to Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer, change the level to 3 and let me know if you see any traffic whatsoever on the event viewer. If ISY is still spidering your network, you should see quick successions of INST-ACK and INST-SRX every 500 milliseconds.


With kind regards,


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After I wrote that last post I felt something wasn't quite right so I did some digging and it appears the admin console had hung up. I restarted it a few minutes ago and now it appears to be updating the devices and the flags are starting to disappear. I am also seeing quick successions of INST-ACK and INST-SRX now also on the event viewer.

Paul Busby

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Hi Paul,


This does not sound good. Please try this:

1. Open Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer ... change level to 3

2. Pick one of the devices for which you have 0101 icon

3. Right mouse click and choose Write Updates menu item


Please review the Event Viewer ... if you see many INST-ACK without an immediate INST-SRX, then the problem is that PLM cannot communicate with that device.


If you wish, you can post the output of the Event Viewer here.


With kind regards,


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Modem communications seem fine. I'm down to 4 KPLs causing problems and I am removing them one by one and adding them again. I won't know if this works until all 4 have been done and I run the batch update. I removed 4 other devices also: 2 unknowns and 2 irlincs which helped matters. I have tested this by updating other devices singly and adding some new devices one at time. So, it appears I'm making progress but it also appears I will have a lot of local links to create again centering around the KPLs.

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Hi Paul,


Have you physically removed devices that were linked to the keypads? It may be the ISY is searching for them.


If so it is probably best to reset the KPLs and add them back. Recreating the links you had should be easy with the ISY.



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  • 7 months later...

Just bought two brand new 6 button KPL dimmers (v.36) and had to manually add them to the ISY (Link Management --> New Insteon Device). ISY couldn't find them automatically, which I thought strange. Nevertheless, they're added and seem to control scenes just fine.


However, both KPLs (all KPL buttons) have those green 1011 arrows next to them. I've tried "write updates to device", I've even tried restoring, removing, re-adding, re-writing, you name it. Can't make those arrows go away.


What am I doing wrong? Running ISY-99i v2.8.4.

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Hello kaplansa,


The fact that you could not add the devices using Start Linking tells me that there is surely a signal issue from the PLM to these switches. You see, Start Linking uses the lowest amount of power to ensure that subsequent communications will always succeed. If that failed, I am almost certain that this is the reason why you see all those 0101 icons since ISY cannot reliably communicate with your KPLs.


My suggestion is, if possible, try one of the KPLs next to the PLM and see if that solves the problem. If it does, then we might have to think about either noise or phase bridging. Do you already bridge your phases with Access Points?


With kind regards,


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