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Swichlinc not communicating

C Martin

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I have one switchlinc dimmer that has decided to have a mind of its own. It is located in a box with a KPL and another switchlinc that work correctly.

It is not responding to Scene commands - sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't.

There have been no changes to my system and because the other 2 devices are communicating it doesn't appear to be a noise issue.

I have rest and re-linked the device using the air-gap switch and stup button, but it doesn't seem to help.



I removed it from and re-installed it in the scene but no go.

It is responding to direct commands although there were some issues with that for a while.


Any suggestions????



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I am not sure that I would assume that having other devices in the same box that are working properly eliminates the possibility of communication errors. It is still possible that the switches are on different circuits. I have also come to believe that some devices are simply better than others.


When you say that there are no changes to your "system", do you refer simply to your insteon system, or to the broader electrical system in your haouse. You have added no other electronic devices in your house?


Is this problem random, or at certain times of the day? Do you notice any relationship to this problem during the furnace running? Washer/Dryer running? Refrigerator?


Absent of any obvious relationships such as those above, I would attempt some scene tests of problem scenes in an attempt to identify a marginal communication environment. Your whole description of your problem sounds to me like communication problems.


No doubt others will also ask what version of switchlinc dimmer you have. Some versions apparently exhibit random problems. It may be useful to add this to your post.

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My electrical and ISY system have had no changes.

All of the devices I reported earlier are on the same circuit.

All of the switchlincs in that box were recently updated and I assume are the same versions - I don't know for sure. BTW there are 3 switchlincs and a KPL in that box. Only 1 switchlinc is showing this problem at this time.

I have had some sporadic scene problems with another device in the past. I added a couple of access points for that problem - seems to have worked.

I just did some scene testing and have found that there seem to be other scenes with the same devices are having intermittent problems too.

Again, I am able to send manual commands to this switchlinc and it is responding.


So, does this mean it it time to reset my ISY and reload the programs?



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I have had some sporadic scene problems with another device in the past. I added a couple of access points for that problem - seems to have worked.


I have never liked relying on this method. I always want to solve the root problem, rather than mask it with access points. I want my powerline communication to be robust.



So, does this mean it it time to reset my ISY and reload the programs?


Were it me, I don't think I would take this drastic action yet. It sounds as if you have identified specific devices with problems. Before starting over, I would now perform a link compare, to make sure that the device and ISY agree with each other. If not, I would perform a factory reset on the bad device, then restore from the ISY.

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Here is the inventory of devices in that 4 gang box.

1 - SWL ver 2.4

1 - SWL ver 3.3

1 - SLW ver 4.2 ( The Offending device)

1 - KPL rev 1.4


Interesting since the ver. 3.3 and the 4.4 were, I thought purchased at the same time.

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Think you may be mixing Rev vs Ver. Check the list displayed by your isy for the v number.


I just changed 11 out of 18 v35's SL's for the same problem you are having. Problem went away for those 11, but have started having problems with a couple of the others that did not give problems before the mass replacement.


Suspect I will be changing a few more.



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Would strongly suggest you talk to SH customer support. With a little prodding they will probably replace it for you, even if out of warranty.


I drove myself nuts, not that that was not already the case, before pushing to have them replaced.



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