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Mobilinc question


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I know this doesn't really belong here but maybe someone else has experience with this iPhone app and can help.


When I control my Scenes from local devices or my computer's Admin console, my Scenes run flawlessly. When I run my Scenes from my iPhone app, I get mixed results. If I send the same command three or four times, it eventually gets all the devices but the first time I send a command, most but not all of the devices respond. Is there a difference in how the Mobilinc sends commands? I can't figure out why it is so different. The way I understand the app, it merely sends a command to change the Scene's status and the ISY does the rest but why is it so error prone?


I plan on posting this to the Mobilinc forum as well, hopefully I will get a full understanding of the differences between using a direct computer interface (the Admin console) and using a 3rd party app.

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Hi mitch236,


From ISY perspective, there's absolutely no difference whatsoever. Outside of ISY, the only difference would be that MobiLinc is using the WiFi on your router and ISY is using the wired Ethernet. So, I suspect one of the following two scenarios:

1. The scenes do not work in any case ... i.e. you just get lucky that they work when you use the Admin Console. This is device communications issue which has to be investigated further

2. When you use your MobiLinc, your router induces noise on the powerline or RF Access Points (quite unlikely but possible). To verify this issue, try turning off the WiFi on your iPhone and use the Cellular channel. If this fixes the issue, then we might have to think about replacing your router



With kind regards,


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Thanks to both of you. I read Wes' response as well. Thinking along the lines that both of you propose, the main difference then would be local infrastructure (either my local network or hard wired controllers like KPL's) vs. remote connections via the internet.


I haven't tried using my remote computer at work to see if the lighting is not as responsive as my local network. I will have to investigate that.


If I find that the reason for Mobilinc not being as reliable as local sources, how would I go about resolving internet issues?

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Who is your Internet Service Provider? What is the brand/model# of your modem and router?


Thanks to both of you. I read Wes' response as well. Thinking along the lines that both of you propose, the main difference then would be local infrastructure (either my local network or hard wired controllers like KPL's) vs. remote connections via the internet.


I haven't tried using my remote computer at work to see if the lighting is not as responsive as my local network. I will have to investigate that.


If I find that the reason for Mobilinc not being as reliable as local sources, how would I go about resolving internet issues?

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I've done some further investigation and this is what I'm finding. When I run a Scene from the Mobilinc, it will transmit the request and then it seems that all of the Devices in the Scene will respond correctly except two. The KPL and a Switchlinc Relay. Its interesting that both Devices are in the same gang box. What I learned is that the Mobilinc thinks all the Devices have responded (even the ones that didn't). When I query the Device (from the Mobilinc) that didn't respond, I get an error that the request has timed out. Once I cycle the Scene from the KPL, everything straightens out again.


I did test out running Scenes from my remote computer using the Admin panel of the ISY and I don't experience any errors, for the most part. It seems to be centered around the Mobilinc.


I tried increasing the HTTPS timeout and the ACK retries but that didn't help.



Does anyone have any other suggestions?

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Hi again,


It is really not MobiLincs fault! MobiLinc is using ISY's APIs and therefore I have to assume that you have communications problems with those devices. Would you be kind enough to let me know the firmware version for your SWL Relay? If v35, then I bet that's the issue right there. If not, then we have to figure out why those devices do not respond reliably to scene commands.


With kind regards,


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There are two devices in the 2 gang box. One is a KPL Relay v3.6 and the other is a Switchlinc Relay v3.8.


It's always those two devices that give me trouble. Is there a way to trouble shoot the wiring in the box? I'm certain that's where the problem is because the remaining 60 devices are very stable. I know I have a whole house full of CFL's but I've got the system rock solid with very few issues.

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