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Programming scrambled - can't restore

Go to solution Solved by to_lighter,

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Hi everyone!

My lights were misbehaving and when I opened the programming tab, a lot of my programs were missing, and a bunch had been taken out of folders and placed in the root programming folder.

I ran the restore and I got an error "Upgrade Failed: Failed uploading file (reported written size is invalid).  This happens with any of my backup files.

I did a factory reset and it didn't help.


Any suggestions?




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@to_lighter glad you got this sorted out this time. Make sure you make a current backup! I like to keep my backups on a cloud drive (like OneDrive, Dropbox, Google Drive). 

It's possible you could have SD Card issues.

How old is your device? 

What Firmware are you using? (Did you upgrade firmware recently?)

The wiki has instructions on how to replace the SD card if you should have any new issues soon.


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