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Support thread: IoX 5.5.9 Release

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40 minutes ago, dwengrovitz said:

DennisC - thanks for the suggestion.  I tried rebooting (as was done with recent upgrades) and it has no noticeable effect.  I can still easily reproduce the problem.  Similarly, powering off and restarting the eisy also has no noticeable effect on this issue. 

I would suggest opening a support ticket with UD. Even if it has already been reported, the more data points they have the quicker it can be resolved.

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On 3/29/2023 at 8:28 PM, dwengrovitz said:

I'm seeing some odd issues with IoX on eisy (5.5.9) and customized notifications (for both email and text messages).  I don't think this unique to the latest version (I recall seeing odd things on prior versions) but I was able to capture screenshots to report the issue on 5.5.9.    

When migrating from my polisy to eisy a while back, I migrated a bunch of customized notifications over.  Since then, I have cleaned up the list, wiped a bunch of the old ones out, and added a few new ones.  However, I've periodically noticed that IoX on eisy seems confused and references notifications that shouldn't be available. 

For example, this evening I logged into the admin console and looked at a few programs that send out notifications. Under the selectable "content" options for what can be sent out via a program, I saw a bunch of options that had been deleted quite some time ago.  They showed up as available to the program, but they don't show up as an available option under the master list of customized notifications. Seems like something is being cached or pulled from the wrong place. 

I've attached screen shots of what I'm seeing.  The options available via the program content show customized notifications available for thermostats, watchdogs, and wireless tags, but I deleted those quite some time ago, and none of those options show up on the under list of customized notifications. 

Anyone else seeing something odd with notifications?

Here's some screenshots.  The first is what the program thinks is available.  None of thermostat, watchdog, or wireless tag options under content should be there: 


Here's what shows up under my master list of custom notifications (no thermostat, watchdog, or wireless tag options are listed - they were deleted weeks ago), and I've saved and reloaded the notifications list multiple times since then. 



As additional info, I've cleared Java cache, and downloaded the latest version of start.jnlp.  After working with IoX and eisy for a while, it does seem that eventually what should be in the list actually does appear there.  But if I close the admin console and start it up again, the old list of deleted items reappears. 

@dwengrovitz Was this fixed in 5.6.0? I don't see it mentioned explicitly in the release notes but was it maybe included under "Minor bug fixes"?

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7 hours ago, johnnyt said:

Was this fixed in 5.6.0? I don't see it mentioned explicitly in the release notes but was it maybe included under "Minor bug fixes"?

@johnnyt  I don't think this has been fully fixed in 5.6.0, if at all.  I checked a few days ago after updating and again this evening, and the problem still seems to be there.  After first opening the admin console and then looking at notifications my programs are programmed to use, I still see programs pointing to notifications that were deleted quite some time ago (maybe months) and that no longer exist on the list of email customizations that should be available.  After a few minutes it seems to self resolve, and notifications the programs should be pointing to show up as expected, so that's a plus.  But there still seems to be some kind of cache problem. 

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21 hours ago, dwengrovitz said:

@johnnyt  I don't think this has been fully fixed in 5.6.0, if at all.  I checked a few days ago after updating and again this evening, and the problem still seems to be there.  After first opening the admin console and then looking at notifications my programs are programmed to use, I still see programs pointing to notifications that were deleted quite some time ago (maybe months) and that no longer exist on the list of email customizations that should be available.  After a few minutes it seems to self resolve, and notifications the programs should be pointing to show up as expected, so that's a plus.  But there still seems to be some kind of cache problem. 

Consider trying this (at your own risk, of course):

Take two backups.

With one of the backups, open it using 7z and look for file "NTCLIST.CFG " in the MAIL subfolder. If it's there, delete it and restore that modified backup to see if it fixes the problem. If it causes problems rather than fix them, you will have the other untouched backup to restore.

I recently saw my backup shrink without justification and, worried about my upcoming migration to IoP, I looked for file differences between the smaller and last larger backups. I found the smaller one did not have "NTCLIST.CFG ", which was a comparatively large xml file full of my custom notifications. Despite it not being there, all my custom notifications were still there, and a restore of the file on a blank (test) eisy (minus NODES and SCENES because I did not want it to take over my devices) showed the notifications where still there. I asked UDI support about this and they told me the file is "a cached version of some of the information stored in the custom notifications.  It may disappear at times but can always be recreated when needed".

They may not suggest doing something that requires you to mess with the backup so maybe that's why they didn't offer you a fix. Or maybe it's completely unrelated, but, if it goes as it did for me, you at least won't be any worse off. And if you are worse off, you have the untouched backup to restore. Be warned that ISY backups don't save web server files if you use the built web server for logging as I do. (If you don't know what I'm talking about, it won't be a problem)

Hope this helps.

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