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How to login?

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I'm trying to log in for the first time.  I go to the IoX launcher, then for the URL, I open "Polyglot V3 (PG3)", and that brings me to https://192.168.x.xx:3000/. The first time I attempt to login, it brings me to the login for the ISY portal, which seems to work (?), but then I get back to the https://192.168.x.xx:3000/login, which asks me for my username and password. 

1) Which username and password?  (The EISY's or the ISY portal?) (Neither seem to work.)

2) Should I be seeing something different?

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9 minutes ago, ctviggen1 said:

I'm trying to log in for the first time.  I go to the IoX launcher, then for the URL, I open "Polyglot V3 (PG3)", and that brings me to https://192.168.x.xx:3000/. The first time I attempt to login, it brings me to the login for the ISY portal, which seems to work (?), but then I get back to the https://192.168.x.xx:3000/login, which asks me for my username and password. 

1) Which username and password?  (The EISY's or the ISY portal?) (Neither seem to work.)

2) Should I be seeing something different?

What you are seeing is correct. The password to login after the portal login is your eisy login. If that doesn't work, make sure its not a browser cache issue by clearing your browser cache.

If that doesn't work, I have found removing power from eisy, after a proper shutdown, helps.

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12 minutes ago, ctviggen1 said:

Following the steps there does not help.  I get the same errors.  (In fact, they are the same exact steps I've taken....many times.)

What errors are you seeing?  What version of PG3x are you using? The login process will report a couple of different errors depending on what is wrong.  For example, if it reports authentication failed, that mean just what it says, the username or password didn't authenticate to the eisy username and password.   If it says the error is unknown, then it was unable to connect to the authentication server.

Also, if you're not on the latest version of PG3x, (3.1.23) there are bugs in earlier versions of the login process that can cause login failures.


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Thanks, all. What I had to do was remove the power from the Eisy and then put the power back on.  

There were no error messages at all.  Basically, no matter what password I used, the login screen just sat there, with no evidence anything was happening or had been done.

The version is 3.1.22.  I did not see a way to update this. Does this update when you update the Eisy?

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19 minutes ago, ctviggen1 said:

Thanks, all. What I had to do was remove the power from the Eisy and then put the power back on.  

There were no error messages at all.  Basically, no matter what password I used, the login screen just sat there, with no evidence anything was happening or had been done.

I have experienced the same thing on v3.1.22, several times, that's why I repeated my comment.


21 minutes ago, ctviggen1 said:

The version is 3.1.22.  I did not see a way to update this. Does this update when you update the Eisy?

Yes, however, after running update packages from the admin console on eisy, you need to log in to PG3 and look for a message indicating PG3 needs to be restarted. Then you restart PG3 from the menu, upper left side.

The current version of PG3 for eisy is v3.1.23, therefore, you should update.

I have not experienced the login issue on the latest version of PG3.

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Well, the EISY wanted me to update, so I did...and it wanted me to reboot, so I did...then I couldn't log in to Polyglot.  Tried two browsers, Firefox and Google's.

It's tricky. I rebooted by removing the power from then plugging the power back into the EISY. My normal browser (Firefox) did not work.  But Google's did work. I can get back into Polygot.  And it's at version 3.1.23

By the way, are there threads for all of these? For instance, there's a Harmony Hub that looks interesting.

Now, I just need to get the time to figure out what I want and configure it.

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