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Huge Price Increase on ISY-26 at SmartHome


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We have neither increased nor decreased our sales price to SmartHome. The decision to increase the price by $90.00 was a SmartHome decision and we were given less than 1/2 day to decide whether or not we wanted give SmartHome $n discount so that they could decrease the retail from $389 to $389-n. We said no simply because we believe both prices make ISY not affordable for our target audience.


We will try to negotiate a fair/affordable price for 99i/IR with SH. If our negotiations fail, you can always buy 99i/IR from us directly or from other more fair minded distributors and within the same ranges as set forth before.


With kind regards,



After the 20% sale that let you pick up an ISY-26 for $239 ended, SmartHome just slapped on a huge price increase bringing the regular price up to $389! Since this is in the target range for the ISY-99, does that mean the ISY-99 target price will also increase?
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Hello black_fx_35,


We do plan to continue selling 26 because there are smaller installations that we would like to tend to while keeping it more affordable.


With kind regards,



So it seems like ISY-99i purchased directly from UD will be priced very close to ISY-26 purchased at SH? Also, are you continuing to make ISY-26, or are you replacing that with ISY-99? I think I will purchase 99i directly from UD as well.
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It kind of makes me wonder if SH has been quietly developing a similar product and they want to position it below ISY. Based on my experience with HouseLink, I certainly could not recommend anything they do in that type of product. Or maybe they are coming out with a new version of HL that can actually download to the PLC like they said originally.

I bought my ISY from UDI. I didn't want to SH to profit because HL is such a crappy, unstable product. Better for UDI to make the profit.

Just my USD$.02

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I bought directly from UD and can't understand why anyone would buy anywhere else? Not only do I feel a bond with Michel and Chris, I think everyone else on this board feels the same. Why pay a middle-man when theses guys "be the man". Kudos as always to UD for standing their ground. As far as SH developing an ISY, HAAAA, bring it on. This ISY jewel is just that. Houselinc will never hold a candle to it and SH support couldn't come close. Oh and for what its worth to anyone, ISY is worth every penny I paid over and over.

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Good idea but with ramifications that we are not ready to tackle namely support for devices that are purchased separately.


Thanks so very much,

With kind regards,




Michel, Have you guys thought about selling Insteon products on your site?


It would add more "traffic" to your shopping cart and some other source of income too. After all you guys are the ones we would all like to support and encourage. More income means more cool products from UDI.

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We have neither increased nor decreased our sales price to SmartHome. The decision to increase the price by $90.00 was a SmartHome decision and we were given less than 1/2 day to decide whether or not we wanted give SmartHome $n discount so that they could decrease the retail from $389 to $389-n. We said no simply because we believe both prices make ISY not affordable for our target audience.


We will try to negotiate a fair/affordable price for 99i/IR with SH. If our negotiations fail, you can always buy 99i/IR from us directly or from other more fair minded distributors and within the same ranges as set forth before.


With kind regards,



After the 20% sale that let you pick up an ISY-26 for $239 ended, SmartHome just slapped on a huge price increase bringing the regular price up to $389! Since this is in the target range for the ISY-99, does that mean the ISY-99 target price will also increase?


Sh prices have always been historically high. I have never seen the justification since the service is way below par for the industry (my opinion not stating a fact). I bought an ISY with the 20% off code and I was supposed to receive free shipping on my next order (this one) since SH made a mistake on my last order (short shipped and never followed up). Well they forgot the free shipping so I called them. They said they had no record of the CS call saying I would get free shipping (I did post on techmall that they called me that day). The next day I check my account and the gave me the free shipping "Great!!" but they took off the 20% esavings "BAD!!!!!". I called again and they basically said "you complained and we fixed it and you are still unhappy. Maybe you should consider purchasing our products through an authorized distributor"????? It wasnt even their products THEY WERE THE DISTRIBUTOR FOR BOTH.



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Hello Michel:


Just to add to the sentiments of others, I would like to thank you for holding your price for us!


Although the ISY-26 is not yet "perfected", it gets better with every beta upgrade. And hopefully your sales volume will increase so substantially it will really help you to gain more leverage with SH so that they can continue to improve the PLM product, which can't do anything but help everyone that uses the PLM. I still think that the PLM is the "weak link" right now and is need of better "ears".


Any hope that SH will eventually license you to come up with your own version of the PLM?? Or at least that they could make one for you to your specifications??


I would like to say that a great by-product of moving my system to the ISY-26 is that I seem to have a much better understanding of how Insteon works, even though I've never studied the protocol. I guess that the way that you've designed the product to be so faithful to the original protocol helps me to better understand how it works. Or at least it seems that way.


I think that aspect will also make it much easier for me to teach to others.



Best wishes,

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Hello All,


I just wanted to thank you all for your help and support without which ISY/UDI would not be where it is now: THANK YOU.


We will do our best to make sure our prices remain affordable because that's the only way home automation has a change of being in every home.


Thanks again so very much,

With kind regards,





I ordered an ISY-26 from SH with the 20% sale last week. It will have the older PLM. Is the PLM flashable (I doubt and its probably a dumb question) so will I be stuck buying a new one when SH rolls out the new firmware version? I will be using it for X-10 mainly but IF SH gets the bugs out and the QC up I might try some Insteon again. That or I might repair what I have (I HUGE box of dead ones from the tact switch problem etc). I could use them as inline lincs if I wanted to as well as replace the tact switches


I am looking forward to playing with the ISY when it gets here in a week or so.



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Hello All,


I just wanted to thank you all for your help and support without which ISY/UDI would not be where it is now: THANK YOU.


We will do our best to make sure our prices remain affordable because that's the only way home automation has a change of being in every home.


Thanks again so very much,

With kind regards,





I ordered an ISY-26 from SH with the 20% sale last week. It will have the older PLM. Is the PLM flashable (I doubt and its probably a dumb question) so will I be stuck buying a new one when SH rolls out the new firmware version? I will be using it for X-10 mainly but IF SH gets the bugs out and the QC up I might try some Insteon again. That or I might repair what I have (I HUGE box of dead ones from the tact switch problem etc). I could use them as inline lincs if I wanted to as well as replace the tact switches


I am looking forward to playing with the ISY when it gets here in a week or so.




I contacted SH and its not flashable (I knew it was a dumb question) and you have to buy a new one if you want the latest firmware when it is released.


Also asked about the V1.5 firmware for the keypadlincs and they were not aware of the release in CS. Have to contact them again in a week.

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The PLM is not job site flashable but Smarthome gladly exchanges them for ones with the new firmware (they recycle them). I think the last time I did it I was just shipping costs for me to send my old one.


CS told me that you have to buy a new one when I asked in Chat a few hours ago. I havent even received it yet I know its outdated and prone to lockups at times. I just could not pass up the 20% off (which I lost but thats another story).


I should have bought it right from the source.

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I am so very sorry for a tardy reply. I think you may have spoken to the wrong CS agent. As far as I know - and if you have problems with your current PLM - SH will gladly replace it. In the unlikely event that you run into any issues, please let us know and we'll get it to you.


With kind regards,



The PLM is not job site flashable but Smarthome gladly exchanges them for ones with the new firmware (they recycle them). I think the last time I did it I was just shipping costs for me to send my old one.


CS told me that you have to buy a new one when I asked in Chat a few hours ago. I havent even received it yet I know its outdated and prone to lockups at times. I just could not pass up the 20% off (which I lost but thats another story).


I should have bought it right from the source.

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Hello aLf,


As far as I know:

a) The extended memory shall be optional

B) SH has been excellent in fixing all the bugs that we have found

c) I am not sure if there is going to be a difference between the beta and the official release


With kind regards,




Is the beta PLM replacement, 1) the higher memory? 2) Rid of all the bugs that are inmy current one? 3) Is there any difference between the beta and the new versionthat SH is sending?



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I am so very sorry for a tardy reply. I think you may have spoken to the wrong CS agent. As far as I know - and if you have problems with your current PLM - SH will gladly replace it. In the unlikely event that you run into any issues, please let us know and we'll get it to you.


With kind regards,



The PLM is not job site flashable but Smarthome gladly exchanges them for ones with the new firmware (they recycle them). I think the last time I did it I was just shipping costs for me to send my old one.


CS told me that you have to buy a new one when I asked in Chat a few hours ago. I havent even received it yet I know its outdated and prone to lockups at times. I just could not pass up the 20% off (which I lost but thats another story).


I should have bought it right from the source.


I spoke/chatted with Jason in CS and he said there is nothing in Beta testing but if their was any new release would have to be purchased unless they released a patch. I asked him how you can install a patch if it is not flashable and he had no answer. I also asked about the V1.5 firmware for the keypadlinc and he had no information on it.


So yes.... I guess I got the wrong CS person :)


Trust me I think the ISY will be great..... the PLM???? well we will see.

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I spoke/chatted with Jason in CS and he said there is nothing in Beta testing but if their was any new release would have to be purchased unless they released a patch. I asked him how you can install a patch if it is not flashable and he had no answer. I also asked about the V1.5 firmware for the keypadlinc and he had no information on it.


So yes.... I guess I got the wrong CS person :)


Trust me I think the ISY will be great..... the PLM???? well we will see.




I do believe that Jason would not know anything about the Beta ... most people don't; we were privy to the news simply because SH is truly helping us resolve/test any issues we may have reported. As such, I wouldn't be worried about your PLM ... you are in good hand!


With kind regards,

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I spoke/chatted with Jason in CS and he said there is nothing in Beta testing but if their was any new release would have to be purchased unless they released a patch. I asked him how you can install a patch if it is not flashable and he had no answer. I also asked about the V1.5 firmware for the keypadlinc and he had no information on it.


So yes.... I guess I got the wrong CS person :)


Trust me I think the ISY will be great..... the PLM???? well we will see.




I do believe that Jason would not know anything about the Beta ... most people don't; we were privy to the news simply because SH is truly helping us resolve/test any issues we may have reported. As such, I wouldn't be worried about your PLM ... you are in good hand!


With kind regards,


Mine just got here............yesssssssss. I can play with it this weekend. The PLM is refurb/recyled (its all scratched up) as someone said but thats ok if it works. Version 52 firmware Rev 2.4.


I will try and set it up tonight when I get back from my almost daily torture session (physical therepy).

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