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Go to solution Solved by bpwwer,

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Disconnected means it was unable to connect to the local (or configured) IoX.  There are only a few different reasons it wouldn't be able to connect and viewing the log should reveal which.

1) the ISY software isn't running.  In this case you also would not be able to start the admin console.  The log would show a connection refused error.

2) The IP address is configured wrong. By default it's using the local address which is the local IoX.  If you didn't change the configuration, then this should be correct.  Again, you'll get a connection refused if it trying to connect at the wrong address.

3) The credentials are wrong. It starts with the default of admin/admin, but is supposed to update them if you log into PG3x with something different.  The log will show 401 (authentication) errors in this case.  You can update the credentials manually in PG3x via the ISYs -> Edit current ISY menu.

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