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Is there a way to override a program's execution temporarily?


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I have a program set to turn on a pump based on a Yolink water sensor reading. Since I'm new to the Yolink water sensor, I don't know how reliable it will be at detecting moisture, I'm not sure how reliably I have it set up to detect moisture, and the pump won't survive running completely dry, so I'd like to be able to toggle the program execution to limit when it runs to times when I can monitor it. I know I can disable the program but is there any way to detect that a button was clicked in the UI in either ISY admin or UD Mobile? Ideally the logic would be if the device is turned off outside the program, leave it turned off.

I think I just explained it to myself that I should create another program that I could trigger from Alexa or using some other event to set a state variable that gets checked by the pump starter program. Or simpler yet, use some event to disable and enable the pump starter program.

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you can in fact disable/enable a program from another program.


Important point, if disabling a program that turns the pump off, make sure the pump is off first.

A program can also disable itself.  the disable command must be the last statement in the program, because disabling will also stop it.

Note: A disabled program can still be run by another program and it will run, or run by right clicking a picking a run option


A program or programs can also be contained in a program Folder, which has an IF condition on the folder.

in this use case:


the variable sDARK.kitchen determines which programs are used when.   The notDark folder condition is "If sDARK.kitchen is not 1" so one folder or the other is on and the other folder must be off.

Unlike Programs being disabled individually, a program that is disabled because it is located within a false folder can not be run by another program, nor can it be run by right clicking and selecting a run option.


yes you can use an insteon keypad button to do that, just watch for Control event in the If a program.  If you had another type of button in mind I'm sure we can figure out how to catch that event in a program to change the variables value.


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Thanks for the detailed reply! Very useful stuff. And I solved the mystery of why the pump was never shutting off even though the water level had dropped by wiping off the leak sensor contacts. These things are apparently quite sensitive. 


Edited by landolfi
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FYI, you can set up a program with no IF section that will turn the pump off, disable the run program (for x amount of time or until you manually enable it).  

Next create a command icon in UD Mobile that runs the Then section of the program you just created.

Whenever you want to run that program, open UD Mobile and hit your command icon. You can even have the icon change color when it's running.

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Thanks! This is very helpful.

One thing I discovered by accident is that I really didn't need a program at all for this particular purpose, since it seems the wet sensor triggers the pump on but if I turn the pump off manually using the AC or UD Mobile, the sensor doesn't turn it back on because the sensor state (still Wet) hasn't changed.

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30 minutes ago, DennisC said:

Sounds like you may need more of a float control then a leak sensor. Or, maybe you can raise the leak sensor to the lowest spot the pump can pump down to, or slightly higher.

I was thinking the same thing. It seems the leak sensor will be too sensitive to splashes and humidity. It's a 6x6 plastic box that the pump is in. And it may turn out that I'm overthinking this, because generally I want to simply be able to turn on the pump remotely when I see water collecting in my back yard. That is already working.

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