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Errors on attempted Volumio reinstall

Go to solution Solved by bpwwer,

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This week Volumio was not responding properly so I decided to delete and reinstall my Volumio nodeserver. However, it never shows "connected". I am running PG3 3.1.21, Frontend 3.1.21 and IoX 5.6.0 on my Polisy.

When I attempt to view the nodeserver logs is get this message:


Looking into Polyglot log file (relevant piece attached) I found this line which complains about not being able to find volumio.py:

5/28/2023, 12:26:10 [pg3] error: [Volumio(1)] :: STDERR: python3: can't open file '/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/000db952bf24_1/./volumio.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

Is there something I need to do differently to install nodeservers under the new PG3 version?


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1 hour ago, bpwwer said:

Yes, the missing file would be the problem.  Try installing (re-install) it again.

I had tried that a couple of times before posting. I've also tried rebooting and installing it in a different slot. Same results. Very strange.

Any other thoughts?

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1 hour ago, DennisC said:

Power cycling and trying again?

Good thought but alas, no difference. On a whim I tried disabling Pi-hole while installing. Also, no difference.

I have a backup of Polyglot from a few days ago, should I try restoring that? Any downside or risk?

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4 hours ago, DaveStLou said:

Good thought but alas, no difference. On a whim I tried disabling Pi-hole while installing. Also, no difference.

I have a backup of Polyglot from a few days ago, should I try restoring that? Any downside or risk?

Doing a restore will simply try to re-install all node servers so I wouldn't expect it to behave any different.  Since it will re-install all node servers it's possible that it could cause this same issue with other node servers. So I'd say more risk of of making things worse instead of better.

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On 5/30/2023 at 12:46 PM, bpwwer said:

I need to try and reproduce it.  

Since I use this daily, I fired up the Volumio integration in Home Assistant. Still have some bugs getting the Pandora stations to show up correctly as input selections but it's workable.

So at least I have a viable workaround via Home Assistant.

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  • Solution

So far, all of the reported issues involving missing files on install have happened on PG3.  After migrating to PG3x, the issue no longer happens.

We have been unable to determine the root cause.  So the current recommendation is to migrate to PG3x.

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