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Purchased node servers missing after Polisy reboot?

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Hi All,

Polisy IoX v5.6.2, PG3x v3.1.31.

My Polisy randomly restarted at around midnight yesterday, and mysteriously none of my node servers came back online.  I checked in PG3x, and when I looked at the dashboard everything appeared fine, but when I opened the Purchases tab, none of my node servers were listed, and there was this message: "Getting list of purchases from UDI Portal. Standby...."

Clicking on refresh did not resolve the problem.  I logged in to the UDI portal and the node licenses are all listed as perpetual.

I went back into PG3x and under the system tab, I reset my portal credentials, but that didn't help.  Neither did hard and soft reboots of Polisy, rebooting PG3x didn't help, reinstalling the node servers from the system tab didn't help either.  I even tried updating packages (that made me nervous due to the issue), but that failed.  Fortunately the Polisy works, all the Insteon devices are fine.

I attached the PG3x log file.  Last night, I believe there were errors listed in the log that related to the node servers failing to obtain licenses, but I didn't save it, and I don't recall the exact wording of the messages.

Any help resolving this problem would be greatly appreciated.



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