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how to remove an old Nodeserver that is marked as "unmanaged"?

Go to solution Solved by bpwwer,

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For ISY portal log into the portal.  Select Tool > Occupancy Node Server > Configuration and press the remove button.



For the other one, I can't guess.  I started to say perhaps it's running in PG2, but the name preface "ST-" didn't get prepended until PG3.    Do you have another instance of PG3 running?

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1 hour ago, someguy said:

What is the "ISY Portal" nodeserver for?


no, I do not have another PG3 running.  I had this one installed in PG2 and now my PG2 is gone because I upgraded to PG3x.

I believe the portal one is if you are using the occupancy node server but I don't know if it is used by UD Mobile also.  For the Invetory one you will have to delete from IoX using the AC.

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3 hours ago, someguy said:

What is the "ISY Portal" nodeserver for?


no, I do not have another PG3 running.  I had this one installed in PG2 and now my PG2 is gone because I upgraded to PG3x.

the ISY portal node server is for geofences using occupancy.

Not sure how to remove a PG2 node server once PG2 is gone... maybe @bpwwer can advise.


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  • Solution

Using the AC, select Node Servers from the menu then select Configure, then goto the slot range and select the slot that has the node server you want to remove.  You'll get a box with the node server configuration and at the bottom is a "Delete" button.  Click the Delete button and a few minutes later it will disappear from the PG3x dashboard.

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Hi @bpwwer , I have the same issue and followed your instruction.  They are removed from the Polisy AC but still persist as unmanaged in PG3 as unmanaged.  I did restart PG3 but they remain.

These were migrated from my ISY but don't need them anymore.

I'm comfortable doing some SSH to investigate.


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52 minutes ago, mmb said:

Hi @bpwwer , I have the same issue and followed your instruction.  They are removed from the Polisy AC but still persist as unmanaged in PG3 as unmanaged.  I did restart PG3 but they remain.

These were migrated from my ISY but don't need them anymore.

I'm comfortable doing some SSH to investigate.


PG3 only lists nodes servers that it sees when it queries the configured ISY/IoX devices for what is installed on the device(s). 

Unmanaged means that the query returned a node server but PG3 doesn't have a reference to that node server in it's own database.

Showing them as unmanaged, is PG3's way of telling you that you can't install a node server in that slot, because the ISY/IoX already has something installed in that slot.

So the only way to do anything with node servers that show up as 'unmanaged' in PG3 is to use the AC's node server menus/commands.  Including deleting them.  There are no other methods or tricks.


The original concept for node servers was that they could be independent programs, running on other machines.  Thus you could have many different computers running many different node servers, each with no knowledge of the other and each with it's own user interface.

Polyglot (PG2 and PG3) were developed to make it easier to develop node servers and consolidate the control of them into a single interface.  Today, there are almost no independent node servers available and we're moving forward to better integrating PG3 with IoX to make it a more seamless system, but the ability to install node servers outside of PG3 still exists.

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Thanks, I installed a new MQTT node figuring I'd just have to live with two nodes with no info.

Long story short - I did one last restore form PG2 to PG3 and deleted them again in the AC.

That actually got rid of one of them - so I was left with a valid MQTT server and a MQTT no info in the dashboard.

I checked Polyglot/PG3/NS and could only see one MQTT registered, so I figured maybe a caching problem.

So I rebooted Polisy from the command line and that fixed the problem.

All good...

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