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eISY Node Servers Randomly offline

Go to solution Solved by thedishking,

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Running into a few issues with things randomly not working on eISY.  I am on 5.6.3

I have noticed that events telling my Elk panel sometimes are not working.

A reboot of eISY seems to resolve it, for a small period of time.

I've also noticed Z-Wave triggers sometimes quit working, and again a reboot seems to get them working.

Lastly, IR seems to stop responding (it has happened 3 times in the last 3 weeks), and again, a reboot of the eISY brings it back online.

I have tried my best to make sure everything is up to date, and can't seem to see any errors when I am looking for them.

After I noticed my Elk panel lost communication with the eISY again this morning, I grabbed this screenshot to see if we can resolve this.


Thank you for any assistance you can provide. 


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@thedishking what PG3x version are you running? I think random disconnects was something fixed recently.


Current release area shows:  PG3x 3.1.36 

There's a beta post for PG3x 3.1.37 if you wanted to try that. 

Somewhere in the past I had a time where node servers would drop connection and not re-start. I have not had that problem recently so not sure if you're running an older version of PG3x or not. 

If you are at 3.1.36 or 3.1.37 make sure you fully power cycle the device (by pulling the plug). If still experiencing the issue please submit a support ticket so UDI can properly document your issues and attempt to fix for you, but also improve PG3x moving forward.


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PG3 and the node server log a lot of information and reviewing that is the first and best way to track down problems.

What you're going to need to do is document which node servers are going off-line, switch the log level of one or more of those node server to debug level.  The next time you notice one off-line, note the time and download the log package.

You can attach that log package to a post if you want help here, or PM it to the node server author, or attach it to a ticket.

Similarly for z-wave triggers failing, noting the time/date and getting the IoX log/error log and attach that to a ticket.

Based on your description, what you are seeing is not normal.

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2 hours ago, thedishking said:

Hopefully these will become reliable as the 994 was.  Fairly unstable at this point.

I agree, but I'm sure 994 had its growing pains too. I was "late" to the party with the 994 just before they went into 5.x beta versions. I can recall a lot of issues during that development. Thankfully many take for granted how reliable systems were, but more so how "basic" they were (even though advanced for what they could/can do). With an almost limitless expansion in the Polisy/eisy era with Polyglot the variables to cause issues are just as limitless.

While my eisy does seem to run just as stable as my trusty 994 many appear not to be as lucky. However, I'm not trying to run a bunch of different systems either. 

I know it's the desire of UDI to have a device as stable and reliable as the 994 (based on posts made elsewhere over time). It's just a lot harder to hit a moving target these days than it was in the past. 



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I found some notes on the support thread for PG3x regarding reinstalling node servers.  Apparently I missed that.

I am not complaining.  I remember some early bugs very early on when the 994 was new.  Michel said he would resolve them.  He did.

I am all about helping making it better for everyone.  I can appreciate the moving targets of some of these new devices.  Elk has not changed much over the years.  I do expect that to be very stable.


Anyway, thank you for chiming in and for the words of encouragement.  I did upgrade to 3.1.37 beta to see where that takes us.

Thanks again and take care.

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