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Replace With...


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This morning I was playing with my KPL. Oh, that sounds wrong :shock:


ISY-26 v 2.4.15, XP Pro SP2, Firefox, Java 1.6.0. KPL v.28


I was attempting to create a Vacation button as discussed in another thread. The button will control no devices directly, it's status will be used to determine what schedule will run on certain occasions.


I cannot read a status from the buttons on the KPL even after doing Restore Device a few times. I will have to try MikeB's suggestion of deleting and relinking the KPL. That's a different thread.


The button I want to use was linked to a lamp and I cannot get that behavior to change. I used Restore Device several times on the LampLinc and KPL. Changes in the status of neither are reported to the ISY when using the KPL button.


So, being the wise man I am, I realized the LL is an older version, 2.4, and that I have a pile of new LLs waiting for the holiday lights to be installed. I thought I would replace the LL as a test.


So I check out Replace With... The only options are two other 3 pin LampLincs that I have. The option should include all the two pin LampLincs that are installed. I don't believe the functionality is any different.


All the new LampLincs I bought are two pinners so that I can use them with the light extension cords with the three way ends. Fortunately, Smarthome gave me a free LampLinc some months ago and that is a 3 pin. I plugged that device (v.2.7) into an outlet while holding the set button for three seconds to initiate a factory reset. After the LED came on I put the ISY into linking mode and pressed the set button on the LL to create a link. Viola, easy.


The new LL appears in the list of Replace With... Then I recalled the LL should have a load connected, so I pulled the old LL and replaced it with the new LL. Went to the device menu and selected Replace With New LampLinc.


A requester appeared that warned me the session will close when the Replace is complete. I don't recall seeing that when I replaced a SwitchLinc many versions ago. I select Okay.


The progress bar appears and is moving slowly; I do have quite a few links to that LL. I didn't start the stopwatch, but after about three minutes I see:


No such session, Login again. The Firefox window that starts the Console changed from maximized to it's default size and came to the front. The lights on the ISY and PLM are still blinking. Then a Request Failed. Finally a Socket Error null pointer... The lights are done blinking now. The Administrative Console was stuck on the hourglass and using a lot of CPU, actually the Task Manager showed firefox.exe using the CPU, however the close button on the console functioned and CPU went to zilch.


I restart the Administrative Console and sure enough, the LampLinc has been completely replaced :D


The only thing I can see that is wrong is the version number of the LL. It is stuck on v.24 and the new one is v.26. I tried a Query Device which changed the On Level and Ramp Rate to the true 100% at 0.1, the default for the device, but the version is still incorrect. Easy enough to change the Local Level and Rate, thank you :wink:


Oh No, new LL is again linked to button 2 on the KPL. I can't find this association anywhere in the console :cry: I see the correct links to KPL 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. And it responds correctly to those buttons. And still there are no updates in the ISY when button 2 changes the LampLinc.


I guess I will try R&R the KPL :( I have a lot of more important things to do right now (honey doos) so perhaps tonite.


Thank you,


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Not sure if I'm on track here or not, but I have now read several responses from folks about communication errors and KPL not showing status, etc. I too have a vacvation button controling nothing. It is just looked at by ISY to run various programs. I'm still running 2.4.13 and last week I experienced some intermittent result status' on my KPL buttons. I tried a bunch of troubleshooting and could not find a common (link) to the problem(s). I tried moving access points and nothing made any sense. Some times it would show staus correctly sometimes it wouldn't. In the past it was 100% reliable. (I tried touching base with you Michel). Is there some Insteon problem showing up here?

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Oh No, new LL is again linked to button 2 on the KPL. I can't find this association anywhere in the console I see the correct links to KPL 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. And it responds correctly to those buttons. And still there are no updates in the ISY when button 2 changes the LampLinc.


We'll have a look at the other issues, but as for this one ...


The way to to remove a link not recognized by ISY, is to first have ISY recognize it, then remove it. In your case, you have a link between KPL 2 and LL that ISY doesn't know about.


1. Add the LL to the scene where KPL 2 is a controller (create a new scene if you need to). This causes ISY to take ownership of the existing link.

2. Remove the LL from the scene.

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