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Insteon Keypadlinc 6 button problem

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I'm new here, and I'm hoping that I'm not beating a dead horse, but my search for keypadlinc and keypad came up empty. So here goes...


I have a 6 button kpl that will not register with my UDI, except as a single light of "unsupported" type. All of the other components I have show up without a problem (8 button kpl, remotelinc, etc). I've moved my AP to be on the same leg too.


I removed the device and manually installed the device, but it only shows up with 5 controls. 1(load), a,b,c,d


Is this right? I don't have all of the buttons used, but I thought that all 6 should show up. I had to choose the keypadlinc from a list and there was no 6 button, dimmer, kpl choice. Only Keypadlinc, dimmer.


Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Dave

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Hi Dave,


Welcome to our forum.


1. Please remove the KPL from your ISY

2. Please do be kind enough to install our latest firmware:


3. Once installed, please try adding your KPL back in again. It's always best to either use the Start Linking method OR if you use Add New INSTEON Device, please choose Auto Discover from the list


With kind regards,


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Hi Dave,


The 6-button KPL does only have 5 nodes. The main node combines the top and bottom buttons.


I removed the device and manually installed the device, but it only shows up with 5 controls. 1(load), a,b,c,d


Is this right? I don't have all of the buttons used, but I thought that all 6 should show up. I had to choose the keypadlinc from a list and there was no 6 button, dimmer, kpl choice. Only Keypadlinc, dimmer.


Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Dave

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