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Support thread for: PG3x v3.2.2 (August 18th, 2023)

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Hello everyone,

This is the support thread for PG3x v3.2.2.

After updating to 3.2.2, please click on System | Reinstall all node servers, which will reinstall all your node servers including the new UDI python interface 3.2.0.

If you were on PG3x 3.2.1 and you already re-installed your node servers, there is no need to re-install them as there has been no changes to UDI Python interface with 3.2.2.



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Updated pkgs through admin console. Came back 30 minutes later said system needs to reboot. Used reboot button on admin console, console closed out, waited a few and console still shows system needs to reboot. Tried this 3 times no luck. Had to unplug eisy in order to get it the update to complete. Reinstalled all node servers. Aside from what was mentioned above, all seems good.

Edited by MBell
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Thanks @bmercier for the update. Was able to update with "Upgrade Packages" then reboot and all seemed to work fine. Haven't pulled the power yet this time as things seemed to sort out well on first attempt. (@MBell, I wonder if more time was needed between the reboot and when you tried to log into admin console again. I allowed about 5 minutes (give or take) because I got into something else before I came back to the update.)

For those that come later here are two screen shots to watch for:

After hitting "Upgrade Packages"  you get this alert (I usually leave this on the screen and don't go back to working on the admin console while the update is running)



A few minutes later I received this alert:



After clicking "OK" to both alert boxes was at the Configuration tab in admin console and hit "Reboot". Admin console closed and I allowed ~5 minutes before trying to open/access admin console again.

I then confirmed I could log into admin console then tried PG3x web interface and all was right in the world. 



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Upgrade to 3.2.2 went as expected BUT , after reboot, all of my IOX 5.6.4 programs that had been in "disabled" state had now re-enabled themselves.

Long ago (back in ISY 994 time) this would happen twice a year when we changed time to/from DST so I began putting a "D" suffix to my program names. 

I don't know how this happened today. I only upgraded PG3 and it was not the day to change to/from DST. I was however, very happy that my programs were marked to indicate which ones should be disabled.

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Installed PG3 3.2.2 from 3.2.1 during eisy upgrade packages. 

Did my usual reboot after upgrade routine: When time to reboot, hit power button 6 times to shutdown, removed power cord for 30 seconds. Plugged back in.  

I went in to PG3 and did the reinstall node servers (even though said did not need to above).  Everything came back up and is good to go.  Thanks UD!

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2 hours ago, gviliunas said:

Upgrade to 3.2.2 went as expected BUT , after reboot, all of my IOX 5.6.4 programs that had been in "disabled" state had now re-enabled themselves.

I agree with @Techman that this seems very isolated and unusual. I have quite a few disabled programs and they did not change status. 

Not sure if you could pull the IoX error log and review that or submit a support ticket and attach it to the ticket to see if something stuck out on the IoX side. 


@GTench - are you still having your issues? I would perform a full power cycle (depending on the device you're on use the multi function button to shut it down then unplug the device). Then clear Java Cache and start with a fresh slate. If you have the issue in IoX after what was a PG3x only upgrade perhaps something was already corrupt or something from the UDI side got released that shoudln't have. 

Either way, if you've attempted the backup twice and it still happens after a power cycle you should open a support ticket to get specific help.




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I migrated to PG3x early yesterday, which got me to 3.2.1, then I upgraded to 3.2.2. While I encountered snags along the way, everything appeared normal and working fine when I finished in the afternoon.

I noticed this morning, though, that my PG3 logs had no entries after about 7:30 PM last night (14+ hours ago).

As a troubleshooting step I rebooted because I can't simply restart PG3 anymore (why is that? - it would have much less impact to just restart PG3)

The reboot fixed the issue, but I'm missing 14 hours of log data, some of which I could have used as I troubleshoot a problem I'm having with the installation of a new NS.

Maybe it's a glitch left over from the migration that won't happen again but wanted to mention it in case it's not. I will check periodically over the next few days to see if this happens again.


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On 8/18/2023 at 1:59 PM, gviliunas said:

Upgrade to 3.2.2 went as expected BUT , after reboot, all of my IOX 5.6.4 programs that had been in "disabled" state had now re-enabled themselves.


I experienced the same situation with this upgrade on my eisy.  All disabled programs were showing enabled and the error log showed nothing unusual.  I needed to perform a restore to get things back to the proper state.

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On 8/18/2023 at 3:59 PM, gviliunas said:

Upgrade to 3.2.2 went as expected BUT , after reboot, all of my IOX 5.6.4 programs that had been in "disabled" state had now re-enabled themselves.

Upgraded PG3x successfully from 3.2.1 to 3.2.2; after reboot of eisy, my disabled programs were still disabled.

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2 hours ago, glarsen said:

All disabled programs were showing enabled and the error log showed nothing unusual. 

@glarsen and @gviliunas please submit a ticket to UDI to report this as a possible issue since it's been repeated. Support tickets are the only method UDI has to track possible bugs and issues. While they try to keep up with the forums sometimes issues like this might need special attention for review and, if needed, fixing in future releases.



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I had issues with being stuck on PG3 v3.1.23_1. After many attempts with [Upgrade Packages] and rebooting several times, I did some reading around the forums and finally realized I had not done the PG3 to PG3x upgrade.

I found the Upgrade to PG3x process in the UDI Wiki. Followed the steps and after two tries, cleared Java and browser caches, etc. I finally got my Polisy updated to PG3x.

One final try to upgrade to PG3x v3.2.2 with clicking the [Upgrade Packages] and rebooting it worked.

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Not sure if this is the correct place to post this but here goes.

I migrated my ISY994 to EISY today and overall things went as expected but I ran into a problem with PG3. PG3 seems to launch properly but when I try to login with admin, admin I get an "HTTPS 408 error, Request Timeout". I have not changed the EISY password from the default yet so PG3x should still have the default password. Any ideas on what to try next? 


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5 minutes ago, MMAltair said:

Not sure if this is the correct place to post this but here goes.

I migrated my ISY994 to EISY today and overall things went as expected but I ran into a problem with PG3. PG3 seems to launch properly but when I try to login with admin, admin I get an "HTTPS 408 error, Request Timeout". I have not changed the EISY password from the default yet so PG3x should still have the default password. Any ideas on what to try next? 


Looks like UDX is not started. The easiest would be to power cycle your eisy.

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58 minutes ago, MMAltair said:

Is the button press functionality suppose to work?

Yes, 6 button press should power down the eisy and the led on the button will turn red. On the rare times it doesn’t perhaps an update is still running. It’s not instant, but has taken up to 10-20 seconds for me to have the light turn red. It appears it should be performing shutdown tasks before powering down. 

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26 minutes ago, Geddy said:

Yes, 6 button press should power down the eisy and the led on the button will turn red. On the rare times it doesn’t perhaps an update is still running. It’s not instant, but has taken up to 10-20 seconds for me to have the light turn red. It appears it should be performing shutdown tasks before powering down. 

It must have been busy and ignored the button presses. I'll try again after bit. Thanks!

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