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Can multiple Zwave commands be sent at the same time?


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I have a general question on controlling Zwave devices - if I have programs to trigger several Zwave devices at the same time (say, multiple lights turn on at sunset), how should I command them? 

Is it acceptable to trigger all programs at the same time and let the Zmatter interface handle any necessary communication queueing?

Or would it be better to add staggered delays to each program, so the commands are sent at slightly different times?

It seems logical that when developing a standard (like Zwave), one would assume this situation exists, and it's taken into account from day one - the communication protocol should be able to handle situations like this.  But I don't know for sure.  Anyone have background in this area?

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Ya, I think for the most part the answer is no, it will buffer itself. The places I can see an issue are with multiple commands to a single item (like Brians suggested) for example adjusting a siren's volume and then sending another command to same siren - though that is certainly NOT always the case. And in those cases it's nothing to do with ISY/IoX, it's about a single device accepting two quick commands. 

  I've read a post from Michel recently where he confirmed that the IoX processes commands sequentially, one at a time, in the order they are read (just like you would expect). 

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open the event viewer and try it

my guess is that associations are the way z-wave does what you want - and you won't get much help here with that

i have not thrown in the towel yet - going to get a zooz stick and download the silicone labs software - then see how my devices install with that (i suspect i will have the association capabilities) - set my 3 devices in a z-wave group association (not z-wave scene association) - and see if i can control all 3 with one command and have them all respond at the same time

i don't use z-wave for lighting and such 

i am guessing the implementation is similar to multicasting - when your pc joins a multicast group, your network adapter begins listening for traffic on a second ip address

for this, dimmer 1 has an address of 7f - dimmer 2 has an address of 6f - an association group of 2f contains both 7f and 6f - so both devices will respond to a command sent to 2f - no need to send individual commands to the dimmers 

just a guess - but be careful, understanding the concept is not welcome here - just rote memorization of steps and scolding to use search


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