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Temp and humid not working....

Go to solution Solved by TriLife,

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here is my code..:

{"id": "Temp1", "type": "TempHumid", "sensor_id": "AM2301", "status_topic": "tele/Temp1/SENSOR", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/Temp1/power"},

and here is my MQTT that im trying to pull from..:

13:26:02.357 MQT: tele/Temp1/STATE = {"Time":"2023-12-16T13:26:02","Uptime":"7T16:22:52","UptimeSec":663772,"Heap":25,"SleepMode":"Dynamic","Sleep":50,"LoadAvg":19,"MqttCount":5,"POWER":"OFF","Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"nsa_surveillance_32","BSSId":"1E:21:B4:49:DF:B2","Channel":8,"Mode":"11n","RSSI":94,"Signal":-53,"LinkCount":5,"Downtime":"0T00:02:33"}}
13:26:02.404 MQT: tele/Temp1/SENSOR = {"Time":"2023-12-16T13:26:02","ANALOG":{"Range":1187},"AM2301":{"Temperature":42.1,"Humidity":85.5,"DewPoint":38.0},"TempUnit":"F"}

it gives me an error in the log :

2023-12-16 13:24:37,620 MQTT       udi_interface.interface DEBUG    interface:_message: QUEUING incoming message shortPoll
2023-12-16 13:24:37,622 Command    udi_interface.interface DEBUG    interface:_parseInput: DEQUEING shortPoll
2023-12-16 13:25:02,789 Thread-6   udi_interface      DEBUG    mqtt-poly:_on_message: Received _on_message {"Time":"2023-12-16T13:25:02","ANALOG":{"Range":1187},"AM2301":{"Temperature":42.1,"Humidity":85.4,"DewPoint":38.0},"TempUnit":"F"} from tele/Temp1/SENSOR
2023-12-16 13:25:02,791 Thread-6   udi_interface      INFO     mqtt-poly:_on_message: ANALOG Payload = {"Time":"2023-12-16T13:25:02","ANALOG":{"Range":1187},"AM2301":{"Temperature":42.1,"Humidity":85.4,"DewPoint":38.0},"TempUnit":"F"}, Topic = tele/Temp1/SENSOR
2023-12-16 13:25:02,791 Thread-6   udi_interface      INFO     mqtt-poly:_on_message: _OA: Range
2023-12-16 13:25:02,792 Thread-6   udi_interface      DEBUG    mqtt-poly:_get_device_address_from_sensor_id: GDA1: tele/Temp1/SENSOR  Range
2023-12-16 13:25:02,793 Thread-6   udi_interface      DEBUG    mqtt-poly:_get_device_address_from_sensor_id: DLT: [{'id': 'shopstorage', 'type': 'switch', 'status_topic': 'stat/shopstorage/POWER', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/shopstorage/power'}, {'id': 'shopoutside', 'type': 'switch', 'status_topic': 'stat/shopsouthwall/POWER1', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/shopsouthwall/POWER1'}, {'id': 'shopmain', 'type': 'switch', 'status_topic': 'stat/shopsouthwall/POWER2', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/shopsouthwall/POWER2'}, {'id': 'sonoff1', 'type': 'TempHumid', 'sensor_id': 'AM2301', 'status_topic': 'tele/sonoff1/SENSOR', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/sonoff1/power'}, {'id': 'sonoff2', 'type': 'switch', 'status_topic': 'stat/sonoff1/POWER', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/sonoff1/power'}, {'id': 'Temp1', 'type': 'TempHumid', 'sensor_id': 'AM2301', 'status_topic': 'tele/Temp1/SENSOR', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/Temp1/power'}, {'id': 'Temp2', 'type': 'switch', 'status_topic': 'stat/Temp1/POWER', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/Temp1/power'}, {'id': 'Temp3', 'type': 'analog', 'sensor_id': 'Range', 'status_topic': 'tele/Temp1/SENSOR', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/Temp1/power'}, {'id': 'ST1', 'type': 'TempHumid', 'sensor_id': 'AM2301', 'status_topic': 'tele/StorageTrailer/SENSOR', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/StorageTrailer/power'}, {'id': 'ST2', 'type': 'switch', 'status_topic': 'stat/StorageTrailer/POWER', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/StorageTrailer/power'}, {'id': 'STlights', 'type': 'switch', 'status_topic': 'stat/TrailerLights/POWER', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/TrailerLights/command/power'}, {'id': 'DeckLites', 'type': 'switch', 'status_topic': 'stat/decklitesplug/POWER', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/decklitesplug/power'}, {'id': 'ShopHeatLamp', 'type': 'switch', 'status_topic': 'stat/ShopHeatLamp/POWER', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/ShopHeatLamp/power'}]
2023-12-16 13:25:02,794 Thread-6   udi_interface      DEBUG    mqtt-poly:_get_device_address_from_sensor_id: GDA2: {'id': 'shopstorage', 'type': 'switch', 'status_topic': 'stat/shopstorage/POWER', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/shopstorage/power'}
2023-12-16 13:25:02,795 Thread-6   udi_interface      DEBUG    mqtt-poly:_get_device_address_from_sensor_id: GDA2: {'id': 'shopoutside', 'type': 'switch', 'status_topic': 'stat/shopsouthwall/POWER1', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/shopsouthwall/POWER1'}
2023-12-16 13:25:02,796 Thread-6   udi_interface      DEBUG    mqtt-poly:_get_device_address_from_sensor_id: GDA2: {'id': 'shopmain', 'type': 'switch', 'status_topic': 'stat/shopsouthwall/POWER2', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/shopsouthwall/POWER2'}
2023-12-16 13:25:02,797 Thread-6   udi_interface      DEBUG    mqtt-poly:_get_device_address_from_sensor_id: GDA2: {'id': 'sonoff1', 'type': 'TempHumid', 'sensor_id': 'AM2301', 'status_topic': 'tele/sonoff1/SENSOR', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/sonoff1/power'}
2023-12-16 13:25:02,798 Thread-6   udi_interface      DEBUG    mqtt-poly:_get_device_address_from_sensor_id: GDA2: {'id': 'sonoff2', 'type': 'switch', 'status_topic': 'stat/sonoff1/POWER', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/sonoff1/power'}
2023-12-16 13:25:02,799 Thread-6   udi_interface      DEBUG    mqtt-poly:_get_device_address_from_sensor_id: GDA2: {'id': 'Temp1', 'type': 'TempHumid', 'sensor_id': 'AM2301', 'status_topic': 'tele/Temp1/SENSOR', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/Temp1/power'}
2023-12-16 13:25:02,800 Thread-6   udi_interface      DEBUG    mqtt-poly:_get_device_address_from_sensor_id: GDA2: {'id': 'Temp2', 'type': 'switch', 'status_topic': 'stat/Temp1/POWER', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/Temp1/power'}
2023-12-16 13:25:02,800 Thread-6   udi_interface      ERROR    mqtt-poly:_on_message: Failed to process message 'sensor_id'

 hope this helps you figure out what i did wrong.. hehehe

my Analog Range is working .. just temp and humid not.

Posted (edited)
On 12/18/2023 at 6:54 PM, EWhite said:

@TriLife any ideas?

I really need this temp and humidity working for my chickens in this cold weather....

Hi @EWhite,

Sorry just saw this.

Please apologize to your chickens!

Ok, let me have a look at what's going on.

Question: which Tasmota device are you using? WeMos D1, if I recall correctly?


Only Analog and AM2301 on the device?

Exactly what are the symptoms?

Also, do you have access to Discord? That might speed up troubleshooting




Edited by TriLife
added missing information

Hi @EWhite;

I have a temporary fix for you in the Beta Store, Version 0.0.31:

The trick is that if you have a type "switch" in the same topic as the type "ANALOG", "AM2301" etc, you MUST put the definition of the type "switch" AFTER the analog etc. Like so:


- id: "TurbRange"
  name: "CrkTurbRange"
  type: "analog"
  sensor_id: "Range"
  status_topic: "tele/Creek/SENSOR"
  cmd_topic: "cmnd/Creek/POWER"
- id: "SluiceTH"
  name: "CrkSluiceTH"
  type: "TempHumid"
  sensor_id: "AM2301"
  status_topic: "tele/Creek/SENSOR"
  cmd_topic: "cmnd/Creek/power"
- id: "Wemos32A1"
  name: "Wemos 32 A1"
  type: "analog"
  sensor_id: "A1"
  status_topic: "tele/Wemos32/SENSOR"
  cmd_topic: "cmnd/Wemos32/POWER"
- id: "Wemos32A2"
  name: "Wemos 32 A2"
  type: "analog"
  sensor_id: "A2"
  status_topic: "tele/Wemos32/SENSOR"
  cmd_topic: "cmnd/Wemos32/POWER"
- id: "Wemos32T1"
  name: "Wemos 32 T1"
  type: "Temp"
  sensor_id: "DS18B20-1"
  status_topic: "tele/Wemos32/SENSOR"
  cmd_topic: "cmnd/Wemos32/POWER"
- id: "Wemos32T2"
  name: "Wemos 32 T2"
  type: "Temp"
  sensor_id: "DS18B20-2"
  status_topic: "tele/Wemos32/SENSOR"
  cmd_topic: "cmnd/Wemos32/POWER"
- id: "Wemos32TH32"
  name: "Wemos 32 TH32"
  type: "TempHumid"
  sensor_id: "AM2301"
  status_topic: "tele/Wemos32/SENSOR"
  cmd_topic: "cmnd/Wemos32/POWER"
- id: "Wemos32SW"
  name: "Wemos 32 SW"
  type: "switch"
  # sensor_id: "AM2301"
  status_topic: "stat/Wemos32/POWER"
  cmd_topic: "cmnd/Wemos32/power"
- id: "Sluice"
  name: "Creek Sluice"
  type: "switch"
  status_topic: "stat/Creek/POWER"
  cmd_topic: "cmnd/Creek/power"

Please download and verify.

In the mean-time, I'll try to figure out, why the order matters. Cheers.

Posted (edited)
{"id": "shopstorage", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/shopstorage/POWER", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/shopstorage/power"},  
{"id": "shopoutside", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/shopsouthwall/POWER1", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/shopsouthwall/POWER1"},  
{"id": "shopmain", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/shopsouthwall/POWER2", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/shopsouthwall/POWER2"},   
{"id": "Temp1", "type": "TempHumid", "sensor_id": "AM2301", "status_topic": "tele/Temp1/SENSOR", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/Temp1/power"},  
{"id": "Temp2", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/Temp1/POWER", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/Temp1/power"},   
{"id": "Temp3", "type": "analog", "sensor_id": "Range", "status_topic": "tele/Temp1/SENSOR", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/Temp1/power"},
{"id": "ST1", "type": "TempHumid", "sensor_id": "AM2301", "status_topic": "tele/StorageTrailer/SENSOR", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/StorageTrailer/power"},  
{"id": "ST2", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/StorageTrailer/POWER", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/StorageTrailer/power"}, 
{"id": "STlights", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/TrailerLights/POWER", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/TrailerLights/command/power"}, 
{"id": "DeckLites", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/decklitesplug/POWER", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/decklitesplug/power"}, 
{"id": "ShopHeatLamp", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/ShopHeatLamp/POWER", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/ShopHeatLamp/power"}

so i would need to re-arrange these? this is what i have now..

as you can see.. i have 1 analog, 1 temphumid, and 1 switch all on one device.

They are all wemos d1 mini units.


Edited by EWhite
  • Solution
Posted (edited)

Hi @EWhite,

In the meantime, I think I fixed the bug that requires a certain order. I tested it with "switch" front and back.

I just pushed the update to the beta store and installed it on my box from there. Still V0.0.31)

Can you please confirm?

Edited by TriLife
added missing information

It is still just showing .30 for me...i even logged out and back in, refreshed several times...does it take a bit for it to get thru system?

Posted (edited)
1 minute ago, EWhite said:

It is still just showing .30 for me...i even logged out and back in, refreshed several times...does it take a bit for it to get thru system?

did you clickREFRESH STORE


SORRY, yes, it can take a bit to refresh...

Edited by TriLife
added missing information


Apologies to the chickens again!

Let me know, if you have any other issues/ideas. Please make sure you mention @TriLife, and keep posting to this thread.



and the chickens will survive..they are extremely pampered anyways! hehe

automatic doors, waterer, feeder and then a climate controlled hacienda!


1 hour ago, EWhite said:

and the chickens will survive..they are extremely pampered anyways! hehe

automatic doors, waterer, feeder and then a climate controlled hacienda!


Nice life!

Happy Holidays



Trying to upgrade the chicken coop Wemos...its been flaky a bit..

So i have a new one started, with relay, and a BME280 module for temp and humid, and the analog for battery.

Problem is the BME280 sensor is not working, i added the sensor id to the statement and still nothing.

it also reports a dewpoint but that doesnt show up in the AC at all.

my MQTT statements from wemos:

21:32:06.392 MQT: tele/ChickCoop/STATE = {"Time":"2023-12-25T21:32:06","Uptime":"0T00:45:09","UptimeSec":2709,"Heap":20,"SleepMode":"Dynamic","Sleep":50,"LoadAvg":19,"MqttCount":1,"POWER":"OFF","Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"IoT_whitehouse","BSSId":"1E:51:B4:49:DF:AE","Channel":4,"Mode":"11n","RSSI":100,"Signal":-33,"LinkCount":1,"Downtime":"0T00:00:03"}}
21:32:06.440 MQT: tele/ChickCoop/SENSOR = {"Time":"2023-12-25T21:32:06","ANALOG":{"Range":1224},"BME280":{"Temperature":72.9,"Humidity":39.7,"DewPoint":46.9,"Pressure":973.5},"PressureUnit":"hPa","TempUnit":"F"}

my statements in Nodeserver :

{"id": "Temp1", "type": "TempHumid", "sensor_id": "AM2301", "status_topic": "tele/Temp1/SENSOR", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/Temp1/power"},
{"id": "ChickCoop1", "type": "TempHumidPress", "sensor_id": "BME280", "status_topic": "tele/ChickCoop/SENSOR", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/ChickCoop/power"},
{"id": "Temp3", "type": "analog", "sensor_id": "Range", "status_topic": "tele/Temp1/SENSOR", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/Temp1/power"},
{"id": "ChickCoop2", "type": "analog", "sensor_id": "Range", "status_topic": "tele/ChickCoop/SENSOR", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/ChickCoop/power"},
{"id": "ST1", "type": "TempHumid", "sensor_id": "AM2301", "status_topic": "tele/StorageTrailer/SENSOR", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/StorageTrailer/power"},
{"id": "ST2", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/StorageTrailer/POWER", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/StorageTrailer/power"},
{"id": "shopstorage", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/shopstorage/POWER", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/shopstorage/power"},
{"id": "shopoutside", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/shopsouthwall/POWER1", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/shopsouthwall/POWER1"},
{"id": "shopmain", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/shopsouthwall/POWER2", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/shopsouthwall/POWER2"},
{"id": "Temp2", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/Temp1/POWER", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/Temp1/power"},
{"id": "ChickCoop3", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/ChickCoop/POWER", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/ChickCoop/power"},
{"id": "STlights", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/TrailerLights/POWER", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/TrailerLights/command/power"},
{"id": "DeckLites", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/decklitesplug/POWER", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/decklitesplug/power"},
{"id": "ShopHeatLamp", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/ShopHeatLamp/POWER", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/ShopHeatLamp/power"},
{"id": "EriksLight", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/EriksFan/POWER1", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/EriksFan/power1"},
{"id": "EriksFan", "type": "ifan", "status_topic": "stat/EriksFan/Result", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/EriksFan/FanSpeed"}

the ChickCoop# are the new module im trying to add.

analog and switch(relay) are working great..

18 minutes ago, EWhite said:


Trying to upgrade the chicken coop Wemos...its been flaky a bit..

So i have a new one started, with relay, and a BME280 module for temp and humid, and the analog for battery.

Problem is the BME280 sensor is not working, i added the sensor id to the statement and still nothing.

it also reports a dewpoint but that doesnt show up in the AC at all.

my MQTT statements from wemos:

21:32:06.392 MQT: tele/ChickCoop/STATE = {"Time":"2023-12-25T21:32:06","Uptime":"0T00:45:09","UptimeSec":2709,"Heap":20,"SleepMode":"Dynamic","Sleep":50,"LoadAvg":19,"MqttCount":1,"POWER":"OFF","Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"IoT_whitehouse","BSSId":"1E:51:B4:49:DF:AE","Channel":4,"Mode":"11n","RSSI":100,"Signal":-33,"LinkCount":1,"Downtime":"0T00:00:03"}}
21:32:06.440 MQT: tele/ChickCoop/SENSOR = {"Time":"2023-12-25T21:32:06","ANALOG":{"Range":1224},"BME280":{"Temperature":72.9,"Humidity":39.7,"DewPoint":46.9,"Pressure":973.5},"PressureUnit":"hPa","TempUnit":"F"}

my statements in Nodeserver :

{"id": "Temp1", "type": "TempHumid", "sensor_id": "AM2301", "status_topic": "tele/Temp1/SENSOR", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/Temp1/power"},
{"id": "ChickCoop1", "type": "TempHumidPress", "sensor_id": "BME280", "status_topic": "tele/ChickCoop/SENSOR", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/ChickCoop/power"},
{"id": "Temp3", "type": "analog", "sensor_id": "Range", "status_topic": "tele/Temp1/SENSOR", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/Temp1/power"},
{"id": "ChickCoop2", "type": "analog", "sensor_id": "Range", "status_topic": "tele/ChickCoop/SENSOR", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/ChickCoop/power"},
{"id": "ST1", "type": "TempHumid", "sensor_id": "AM2301", "status_topic": "tele/StorageTrailer/SENSOR", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/StorageTrailer/power"},
{"id": "ST2", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/StorageTrailer/POWER", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/StorageTrailer/power"},
{"id": "shopstorage", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/shopstorage/POWER", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/shopstorage/power"},
{"id": "shopoutside", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/shopsouthwall/POWER1", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/shopsouthwall/POWER1"},
{"id": "shopmain", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/shopsouthwall/POWER2", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/shopsouthwall/POWER2"},
{"id": "Temp2", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/Temp1/POWER", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/Temp1/power"},
{"id": "ChickCoop3", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/ChickCoop/POWER", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/ChickCoop/power"},
{"id": "STlights", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/TrailerLights/POWER", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/TrailerLights/command/power"},
{"id": "DeckLites", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/decklitesplug/POWER", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/decklitesplug/power"},
{"id": "ShopHeatLamp", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/ShopHeatLamp/POWER", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/ShopHeatLamp/power"},
{"id": "EriksLight", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/EriksFan/POWER1", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/EriksFan/power1"},
{"id": "EriksFan", "type": "ifan", "status_topic": "stat/EriksFan/Result", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/EriksFan/FanSpeed"}

the ChickCoop# are the new module im trying to add.

analog and switch(relay) are working great..

Hi @EWhite;

Merry Christmas!

the BME280 not working is not surprising: I have not updated the plugin for the BME280... I would need to order a unit from Amazon for that, in order to troupbleshoot it here. No problem doing that (you can send me some Amazon bucks $15.90), but it would take a couple of weeks to get here...

I can try to do it without a test unit as well, and use you as a guinea pig, if you're up to it.

Let me know, what you wanto to do.




im up for it.. hehehe..i thot the original had BME280 support but dunno if it ever worked or not.. this is first time messing with that unit..


39 minutes ago, EWhite said:

im up for it.. hehehe..i thot the original had BME280 support but dunno if it ever worked or not.. this is first time messing with that unit..


You asked for it!  Please look for V 0.0.33 in the Beta-Store

Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, TriLife said:

You asked for it!  Please look for V 0.0.33 in the Beta-Store

The original does have BME Support, but not if you have multiple sensors on the same tasmota topic

I also haven't tested the original, so if what I sent you doesn't work, we'll have to wait for me to order a BME280.

Or you need to configure a Wemos with ONLY a BME280 on it (no other sensors, switches etc)

Edited by TriLife
39 minutes ago, TriLife said:

The original does have BME Support, but not if you have multiple sensors on the same tasmota topic

I also haven't tested the original, so if what I sent you doesn't work, we'll have to wait for me to order a BME280.

Or you need to configure a Wemos with ONLY a BME280 on it (no other sensors, switches etc)

i could do that.. i have like 20 of them .. hehe


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