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New to Raspberry Pi, can't install nodelink to use Genmon with ISY


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So I recently installed a pre-loaded Raspberry PI into my Generac generator.  Everything works like it should.  I can locally log into the Pi and monitor the generator, and I get pushover notifications.  I stumbled across this thread, so I figured I would try it.  When I SSH into the Pi, and I add the script, sudo curl -sSL http://automationshack.com/Files/install.sh | bash, I get the error screen I attached below. 

To be honest, I get this error when I try to add email notifications, I get a "could not resolve" error.  Is there something I need to change to allow internet access?  I don't have much experience with Raspberry Pi yet, but I'm looking to change that.




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10 hours ago, hart2hart said:

I’d guess your IP setup has an issue. Specifically, your DNS server IP addresses are not set up correctly so rpi can’t resolve automationshack.com.

If you dont know yours you can always use which is google dns

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